Type aliases
Static AsyncCreated
AsyncCreated: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:283
Static AttributeDefinition
Definition: { defaultValue?: PropertyValueDefinition ; description: L10nString ; id?: string ; key?: boolean ; localizable?: boolean ; mandatory?: boolean ; max?: number ; min?: number ; minLength?: number ; multiValueType?: boolean ; name: L10nString ; possibleValues?: Array < PropertyValueDefinition > ; regularExpression?: string ; scale?: number ; searchable?: boolean ; siteSpecific?: boolean ; system?: boolean ; type: string ; unit?: L10nString ; visible?: boolean }
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:495
Type declaration
Optional id?: string
Optional key?: boolean
Optional localizable?: boolean
Optional mandatory?: boolean
Optional max?: number
Optional min?: number
Optional minLength?: number
Optional multiValueType?: boolean
Optional regularExpression?: string
Optional scale?: number
Optional searchable?: boolean
Optional siteSpecific?: boolean
Optional system?: boolean
type: string
Optional visible?: boolean
Static BadRequest
BadRequest: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:252
Static BadRequest1
BadRequest1: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:254
Static BadRequest2
BadRequest2: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:258
Static BoolFilter
Filter: { filters?: Array < Filter > ; operator: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:386
Static BoolQuery
Query: { must?: Array < Query > ; mustNot?: Array < Query > ; should?: Array < Query > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:448
Static BundledProduct
Product: { id: string ; product: Product ; quantity: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:232
Static Category
: { categories
?: Array < Category > ; description
?: string ; id
: string ; image
?: string ; name
?: string ; onlineSubCategoriesCount
?: any ; pageDescription
?: string ; pageKeywords
?: string ; pageTitle
?: string ; parentCategoryId
?: string ; parentCategoryTree
?: Array < PathRecord > ; thumbnail
?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:45
Static CategoryResult
Result: { data: Array < Category > ; limit: number ; total: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:60
Static ChangeControlled
ChangeControlled: { createdBy?: string ; creationDate?: any ; lastModifiedBy?: string ; modificationDate?: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:260
Static ChangeControlledDataType
ChangeControlledDataType: { createdBy?: string ; creationDate?: any ; lastModifiedBy?: string ; modificationDate?: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:299
Static ClosedObject
ClosedObject: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:367
Static DateConditionalRequest
DateConditionalRequest: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:277
Static DateRangeFilter
DateRangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:267
Static DatetimeRangeFilter
DatetimeRangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:297
Static Error
Error: { detail?: string ; instance?: string ; title?: string ; type: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:306
Static ErrorResponse
ErrorResponse: { detail?: string ; instance?: string ; title?: string ; type: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:243
Static EtagConditionalRequest
EtagConditionalRequest: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:281
Static EtagResponse
EtagResponse: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:269
Static Filter
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:467
Static FilteredQuery
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:403
Static Image
Image: { alt?: string ; disBaseLink?: string ; link: string ; title?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:205
Static ImageGroup
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:140
Static IntegerRangeFilter
IntegerRangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:271
Static Inventory
Inventory: { ats?: number ; backorderable?: boolean ; id: string ; inStockDate?: any ; orderable?: boolean ; preorderable?: boolean ; stockLevel?: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:130
Static L10nString
L10nString: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:492
Static LocalizedString
LocalizedString: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:355
Static Master
Master: { masterId: string ; orderable?: boolean ; price?: number ; priceMax?: number ; prices?: {} & {} } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:35
Static MatchAllQuery
MatchAllQuery: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:400
Static Money
Money: { currencyMnemonic?: string ; value?: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:313
Static MoneyMnemonic
MoneyMnemonic: { currencyMnemonic?: string ; value?: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:487
Static NestedQuery
Query: { path: string ; query: Query ; scoreMode?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:461
Static NoPropertiesAllowed
NoPropertiesAllowed: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:381
Static NotFound
NotFound: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:250
Static NumericRangeFilter
NumericRangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:295
Static OffsetPaginated
OffsetPaginated: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:289
Static OpenObject
OpenObject: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:370
Static Option
: { description
?: string ; id
: string ; image
?: string ; name
?: string ; values
?: Array < OptionValue > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:146
Static OptionValue
OptionValue: { default?: boolean ; id: string ; name?: string ; price?: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:28
Static PageMetaTag
PageMetaTag: { id?: string ; value?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:238
Static PaginatedSearchResult
SearchResult: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; query: Query ; sorts?: Array < Sort > ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:358
Static PaginatedSearchResultBase
SearchResultBase: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; query: Query ; sorts?: Array < Sort > ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:391
Static PathRecord
PathRecord: { id?: string ; name?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:227
Static PriceRange
PriceRange: { maxPrice?: number ; minPrice?: number ; pricebook?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:22
Static Product
: { brand
?: string ; bundledProducts
?: Array < BundledProduct > ; currency
?: string ; ean
?: string ; fetchDate
?: number ; id
: string ; imageGroups
?: Array < ImageGroup > ; inventories
?: Array < Inventory > ; inventory
?: Inventory ; longDescription
?: string ; manufacturerName
?: string ; manufacturerSku
?: string ; master
?: Master ; minOrderQuantity
?: number ; name
?: string ; options
?: Array < Option > ; pageDescription
?: string ; pageKeywords
?: string ; pageMetaTags
?: Array < PageMetaTag > ; pageTitle
?: string ; price
?: number ; priceMax
?: number ; pricePerUnit
?: number ; pricePerUnitMax
?: number ; priceRanges
?: Array < PriceRange > ; prices
?: {} & {} ; primaryCategoryId
?: string ; productLinks
?: Array < ProductLink > ; productPromotions
?: Array < ProductPromotion > ; recommendations
?: Array < Recommendation > ; setProducts
?: Array < Product > ; shortDescription
?: string ; slugUrl
?: string ; stepQuantity
?: number ; tieredPrices
?: Array < ProductPriceTable > ; type
?: ProductType ; unit
?: string ; upc
?: string ; validFrom
?: any ; validTo
?: any ; variants
?: Array < Variant > ; variationAttributes
?: Array < VariationAttribute > ; variationGroups
?: Array < VariationGroup > ; variationValues
?: {} & {} } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:154
Static ProductLink
ProductLink: { sourceProductId: string ; sourceProductLink: string ; targetProductId: string ; targetProductLink: string ; type: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:122
Static ProductPriceTable
ProductPriceTable: { price?: number ; pricebook?: string ; quantity?: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:16
Static ProductPromotion
ProductPromotion: { calloutMsg: string ; promotionId: string ; promotionalPrice: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:221
Static ProductResult
Result: { data: Array < Product > ; limit: number ; total: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:116
Static ProductType
ProductType: { bundle?: boolean ; item?: boolean ; master?: boolean ; option?: boolean ; set?: boolean ; variant?: boolean ; variationGroup?: boolean } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:77
Static PropertyDefinition
Definition: { defaultValue?: PropertyValueDefinition ; description: L10nString ; id?: string ; key?: boolean ; localizable?: boolean ; mandatory?: boolean ; max?: number ; min?: number ; minLength?: number ; multiValueType?: boolean ; name: L10nString ; possibleValues?: Array < PropertyValueDefinition > ; regularExpression?: string ; scale?: number ; searchable?: boolean ; siteSpecific?: boolean ; system?: boolean ; type: string ; unit?: L10nString ; visible?: boolean } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:332
Static PropertyValueDefinition
ValueDefinition: { description: L10nString ; displayValue: L10nString ; id: string ; position?: number ; value: string }
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:517
Type declaration
id: string
Optional position?: number
value: string
Static Query
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:412
Static QueryFilter
Filter: { query: Query } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:408
Static QueryParamsLimit
QueryParamsLimit: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:373
Static QueryParamsOffset
QueryParamsOffset: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:375
Static Range2Filter
Range2Filter: { filterMode?: string ; fromField: string ; fromInclusive?: boolean ; fromValue?: any ; toField: string ; toInclusive?: boolean ; toValue?: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:438
Static RangeFilter
RangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:291
Static RateLimited
RateLimited: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:285
Static RateLimited2
RateLimited2: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:287
Static RateLimited3
RateLimited3: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:273
Static RateLimited4
RateLimited4: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:293
Static RateLimited5
RateLimited5: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:279
Static Recommendation
: { calloutMsg
?: string ; image
?: Image ; longDescription
?: string ; name
?: string ; recommendationType
: RecommendationType ; recommendedItemId
?: string ; shortDescription
?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:87
Static RecommendationType
RecommendationType: { displayValue: string ; value: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:72
Static SearchRequest
Request: { limit?: number ; offset?: any ; query: Query ; sorts?: Array < Sort > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:325
Static SearchRequestBase
RequestBase: { limit?: number ; offset?: any ; query: Query ; sorts?: Array < Sort > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:480
Static Selectable
Selectable: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:379
Static SimpleSearchResult
SimpleSearchResult: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:318
Static SimpleSearchResultBase
SimpleSearchResultBase: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:454
Static SiteSpecific
SiteSpecific: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:377
Static Sort
Sort: { field: string ; sortOrder?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:475
Static SpecifiedPropertiesAllowed
SpecifiedPropertiesAllowed: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:383
Static SyncCreated
SyncCreated: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:275
Static TermFilter
TermFilter: { field: string ; operator: string ; values?: Array < any > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:427
Static TermQuery
TermQuery: { fields: Array < string > ; operator: string ; values?: Array < any > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:421
Static TextQuery
TextQuery: { fields: Array < string > ; searchPhrase: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:433
Static Unauthorized
Unauthorized: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:256
Static Variant
: { orderable
?: boolean ; price
?: number ; productId
: string ; tieredPrices
?: Array < ProductPriceTable > ; variationValues
?: {} & {} } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:97
Static VariationAttribute
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:66
Static VariationAttributeValue
AttributeValue: { description?: string ; image?: Image ; imageSwatch?: Image ; name?: string ; orderable?: boolean ; value: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:212
Static VariationGroup
VariationGroup: { orderable: boolean ; price: number ; productId: string ; variationValues: {} & {} } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/product/shopperProducts/shopperProducts.ts:107
Shopper Products
Display product details across your storefront.
Example with shopper auth
API Version: 0.0.37import { Product, ClientConfig, Customer, slasHelpers } from "commerce-sdk"; // or const { Product, ClientConfig, Customer, slasHelpers } = require("commerce-sdk"); const clientConfig: ClientConfig = { parameters: { clientId: "XXXXXX", organizationId: "XXXX", shortCode: "XXX", siteId: "XX" } }; // must be registered in SLAS. On server, redirectURI is never called const redirectURI = "http://localhost:3000/callback"; const slasClient = new Customer.ShopperLogin(clientConfig); token = await slasHelpers.loginGuestUser(slasClient, { redirectURI }); clientConfig.headers['authorization'] = `Bearer ${token.access_token}`; const shopperProductsClient = new Product.ShopperProducts(clientConfig);
Last Updated: