Add Certificates For Zone
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other addCertificateForZone function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CertificateEnvelope.
Add Certificates For Zone
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CertificateEnvelope otherwise.
Request to purge the cache for the host given in the request body
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other cachePurge function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CachePurgeResponseEnvelope.
Request to purge the cache for the host given in the request body
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CachePurgeResponseEnvelope otherwise.
Set up two-factor mTLS certificates for the account and associate the staging zone code upload hostname.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createCodeUploadCertificate function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.MtlsCertificateResponseEnvelope.
Set up two-factor mTLS certificates for the account and associate the staging zone code upload hostname.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.MtlsCertificateResponseEnvelope otherwise.
Creates a custom rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createCustomRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CustomRuleEnvelope.
Creates a custom rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CustomRuleEnvelope otherwise.
Create Logpush job.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createLogpushJob function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.LogpushEnvelope.
Create Logpush job.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.LogpushEnvelope otherwise.
Create Logpush ownership token file.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createLogpushOwnership function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.LogpushOwnershipPostResponse.
Create Logpush ownership token file.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.LogpushOwnershipPostResponse otherwise.
Create MRT rules to route to a new MRT environment.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createMrtRules function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.MRTRulesResponseEnvelope.
Create MRT rules to route to a new MRT environment.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.MRTRulesResponseEnvelope otherwise.
Creates a rate limiting rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createRateLimitingRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.RateLimitingRuleEnvelope.
Creates a rate limiting rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.RateLimitingRuleEnvelope otherwise.
Create a new storefront zone.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createStorefrontZone function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.StorefrontZoneCreateEnvelope.
Create a new storefront zone.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.StorefrontZoneCreateEnvelope otherwise.
This action deletes a custom hostname and the certificate associated with it. Note that a valid certificate is necessary for a site to remain operational. DELETING AN IN-USE CERTIFICATE MAY RESULT IN DOWNTIME.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteCertificate function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type void.
This action deletes a custom hostname and the certificate associated with it. Note that a valid certificate is necessary for a site to remain operational. DELETING AN IN-USE CERTIFICATE MAY RESULT IN DOWNTIME.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.
Removes an mTLS certificate and associated hostname.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteCodeUploadCertificate function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type void.
Removes an mTLS certificate and associated hostname.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.
Deletes a specific custom rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteCustomRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type void.
Deletes a specific custom rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.
Delete Logpush job by job ID.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteLogpushJob function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type void.
Delete Logpush job by job ID.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.
Delete an MRT rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteMrtRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type void.
Delete an MRT rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.
Delete the MRT ruleset and all rules within the ruleset.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteMrtRuleset function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type void.
Delete the MRT ruleset and all rules within the ruleset.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.
Delete the origin header modification associated with a zone. Only the mrt
type is supported.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteOriginHeaderModification function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type void.
Delete the origin header modification associated with a zone. Only the mrt
type is supported.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.
Deletes a specific rate limiting rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteRateLimitingRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type void.
Deletes a specific rate limiting rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.
Retrieves a list of certificates information for a zone.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCertificates function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CertificatesEnvelope.
Retrieves a list of certificates information for a zone.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CertificatesEnvelope otherwise.
Returns the mTLS certificate for the given account's mTLS certificate ID.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCodeUploadCertificate function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.MtlsCertificateResponseEnvelope.
Returns the mTLS certificate for the given account's mTLS certificate ID.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.MtlsCertificateResponseEnvelope otherwise.
Returns all the mTLS certificates for the account.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCodeUploadCertificates function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.MtlsCertificatesResponseEnvelope.
Returns all the mTLS certificates for the account.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.MtlsCertificatesResponseEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves a specific custom rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCustomRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CustomRuleEnvelope.
Retrieves a specific custom rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CustomRuleEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves existing custom rules.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCustomRules function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CustomRulesEnvelope.
Retrieves existing custom rules.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CustomRulesEnvelope otherwise.
Get Logpush job details.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getLogpushJob function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.LogpushEnvelope.
Get Logpush job details.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.LogpushEnvelope otherwise.
Get all MRT rules.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getMrtRules function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.MRTRulesResponseEnvelope.
Get all MRT rules.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.MRTRulesResponseEnvelope otherwise.
Get origin header modification associated with a zone. Only the mrt
type is supported.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getOriginHeaderModification function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.OriginHeaderModificationEnvelope.
Get origin header modification associated with a zone. Only the mrt
type is supported.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.OriginHeaderModificationEnvelope otherwise.
Get a OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getOwaspWafPackage function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WAFRulePackageEnvelope.
Get a OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WAFRulePackageEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves a specific rate limiting rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getRateLimitingRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.RateLimitingRuleEnvelope.
Retrieves a specific rate limiting rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.RateLimitingRuleEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves existing rate limiting rules.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getRateLimitingRules function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.RateLimitingRulesEnvelope.
Retrieves existing rate limiting rules.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.RateLimitingRulesEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieve security settings for a zone.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getSecuritySettings function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.SecuritySettingsEnvelope.
Retrieve security settings for a zone.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.SecuritySettingsEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieve speed settings for a zone.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getSpeedSettings function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.SpeedSettingsEnvelope.
Retrieve speed settings for a zone.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.SpeedSettingsEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves all WAF groups accessible to the caller. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getWafGroups function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WafGroupsEnvelope.
Retrieves all WAF groups accessible to the caller. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WafGroupsEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves all rules in the specified WAFv2 managed ruleset.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getWafManagedRulesInRuleset function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRulesEnvelope.
Retrieves all rules in the specified WAFv2 managed ruleset.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRulesEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves WAFv2 managed rulesets.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getWafManagedRulesets function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRulesetsEnvelope.
Retrieves WAFv2 managed rulesets.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRulesetsEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves details of a specific WAF rule. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getWafRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WafRuleEnvelope.
Retrieves details of a specific WAF rule. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WafRuleEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves WAF rules under the waf group specified by the caller. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getWafRules function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WafRulesEnvelope.
Retrieves WAF rules under the waf group specified by the caller. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WafRulesEnvelope otherwise.
Retrieves zone information.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getZonesInfo function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.ZonesEnvelope.
Retrieves zone information.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.ZonesEnvelope otherwise.
List Logpush job.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other listLogpushJob function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.LogpushJobsEnvelope.
List Logpush job.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.LogpushJobsEnvelope otherwise.
Migrates a zone to WAFv2. Only applicable for existing zones using WAFv1.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other migrateZoneToWafV2 function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRulesetsEnvelope.
Migrates a zone to WAFv2. Only applicable for existing zones using WAFv1.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRulesetsEnvelope otherwise.
Patch a OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other patchOwaspWafPackage function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WAFRulePackageEnvelope.
Patch a OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WAFRulePackageEnvelope otherwise.
Request to enable or disable OCAPI Caching page rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other toggleOcapiCachingPageRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.OCAPICachingToggleRequest.
Request to enable or disable OCAPI Caching page rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.OCAPICachingToggleRequest otherwise.
Updates the certificate for a given certificateId for a particular zone.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateCertificate function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CertificateEnvelope.
Updates the certificate for a given certificateId for a particular zone.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CertificateEnvelope otherwise.
Updates a specific custom rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateCustomRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CustomRuleEnvelope.
Updates a specific custom rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CustomRuleEnvelope otherwise.
Update Logpush job.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateLogpushJob function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.LogpushEnvelope.
Update Logpush job.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.LogpushEnvelope otherwise.
Update an MRT rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateMrtRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.MRTRulesResponseEnvelope.
Update an MRT rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.MRTRulesResponseEnvelope otherwise.
Update the MRT environment hostname or add MRT rules to route to an existing MRT environment.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateMrtRuleset function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.MRTRulesResponseEnvelope.
Update the MRT environment hostname or add MRT rules to route to an existing MRT environment.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.MRTRulesResponseEnvelope otherwise.
Updates the order of all existing custom rules.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateOrderOfCustomRules function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CustomRulesEnvelope.
Updates the order of all existing custom rules.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CustomRulesEnvelope otherwise.
Updates a specific rate limiting rule.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateRateLimitingRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.RateLimitingRuleEnvelope.
Updates a specific rate limiting rule.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.RateLimitingRuleEnvelope otherwise.
Update security settings for a zone.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateSecuritySettings function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.SecuritySettingsEnvelope.
Update security settings for a zone.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.SecuritySettingsEnvelope otherwise.
Update speed settings for a zone.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateSpeedSettings function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.SpeedSettingsEnvelope.
Update speed settings for a zone.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.SpeedSettingsEnvelope otherwise.
Updates action or mode of a specific WAF group. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateWafGroup function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WafGroupEnvelope.
Updates action or mode of a specific WAF group. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WafGroupEnvelope otherwise.
Updates a WAF managed rule in the specified WAFv2 managed ruleset.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateWafManagedRuleInRuleset function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRuleEnvelope.
Updates a WAF managed rule in the specified WAFv2 managed ruleset.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRuleEnvelope otherwise.
Updates WAFv2 managed ruleset.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateWafManagedRuleset function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRulesetEnvelope.
Updates WAFv2 managed ruleset.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WAFManagedRulesetEnvelope otherwise.
Updates action of a specific WAF rule. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateWafRule function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.WafRuleEnvelope.
Updates action of a specific WAF rule. Not applicable for zones using WAFv2. For any zones created after the 24.5 release, use the endpoints for WAF managed rulesets instead.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.WafRuleEnvelope otherwise.
Upsert origin header modification. Only the mrt
type is supported.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other upsertOriginHeaderModification function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.OriginHeaderModificationEnvelope | CdnZones.OriginHeaderModificationEnvelope.
Upsert origin header modification. Only the mrt
type is supported.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.OriginHeaderModificationEnvelope | CdnZones.OriginHeaderModificationEnvelope otherwise.
Trigger the validation of a custom hostname.
If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other validateCustomHostname function.
An object containing the options for this method.
A promise of type CdnZones.CustomHostnameValidationEnvelope.
Trigger the validation of a custom hostname.
An object containing the options for this method.
Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.
A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type CdnZones.CustomHostnameValidationEnvelope otherwise.
Generated using TypeDoc
CDN Zones
Extend your eCDN beyond Business Manager configuration.
For instructions on how to retrieve access token for admin APIs:
Example with admin auth
API Version: 1.0.36import { Cdn, ClientConfig } from "commerce-sdk"; // or const { Cdn, ClientConfig } = require("commerce-sdk"); const clientConfig: ClientConfig = { parameters: { clientId: "XXXXXX", organizationId: "XXXX", shortCode: "XXX", siteId: "XX" } }; token = { access_token: 'INSERT_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE' }; clientConfig.headers['authorization'] = `Bearer ${token.access_token}`; const cdnZonesClient = new Cdn.CdnZones(clientConfig);
Last Updated: