  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class Catalogs

Build searchable product categories and catalogs.

For instructions on how to retrieve access token for admin APIs: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/commerce/commerce-api/guide/authorization-for-admin-apis.html

Example with admin auth

import { Product, ClientConfig } from "commerce-sdk";
// or
const { Product, ClientConfig } = require("commerce-sdk");

const clientConfig: ClientConfig = {
  parameters: {
    clientId: "XXXXXX",
    organizationId: "XXXX",
    shortCode: "XXX",
    siteId: "XX"

token = { access_token: 'INSERT_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE' };

clientConfig.headers['authorization'] = `Bearer ${token.access_token}`;
const catalogsClient = new Product.Catalogs(clientConfig);
API Version: 0.0.35
Last Updated:


  • BaseClient
    • Catalogs


Type aliases




Type aliases

Static AsyncCreated

AsyncCreated: {}

Type declaration

Static AttributeDefinition

AttributeDefinition: { defaultValue?: PropertyValueDefinition; description: L10nString; id?: string; key?: boolean; localizable?: boolean; mandatory?: boolean; max?: number; min?: number; minLength?: number; multiValueType?: boolean; name: L10nString; possibleValues?: Array<PropertyValueDefinition>; regularExpression?: string; scale?: number; searchable?: boolean; siteSpecific?: boolean; system?: boolean; type: string; unit?: L10nString; visible?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • Optional defaultValue?: PropertyValueDefinition
  • description: L10nString
  • Optional id?: string
  • Optional key?: boolean
  • Optional localizable?: boolean
  • Optional mandatory?: boolean
  • Optional max?: number
  • Optional min?: number
  • Optional minLength?: number
  • Optional multiValueType?: boolean
  • name: L10nString
  • Optional possibleValues?: Array<PropertyValueDefinition>
  • Optional regularExpression?: string
  • Optional scale?: number
  • Optional searchable?: boolean
  • Optional siteSpecific?: boolean
  • Optional system?: boolean
  • type: string
  • Optional unit?: L10nString
  • Optional visible?: boolean

Static BadRequest

BadRequest: {}

Type declaration

Static BoolFilter

BoolFilter: { filters?: Array<Filter>; operator: string } & {}

Static BoolQuery

BoolQuery: { must?: Array<Query>; mustNot?: Array<Query>; should?: Array<Query> } & {}

Static Catalog

Catalog: { assignedProductCount?: number; assignedSites?: Array<Site>; categoryCount?: number; creationDate?: any; description?: {} & {}; id: string; lastModified?: any; name?: {} & {}; online?: boolean; ownedProductCount?: number; recommendationCount?: number; rootCategory?: string } & {}

Static CatalogCategoryId

CatalogCategoryId: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string } & {}

Static CatalogSearchResult

CatalogSearchResult: { hits: Array<Catalog>; limit: number; offset: any; query: Query; sorts?: Array<Sort>; total: any } & {}

Static Catalogs

Catalogs: { data: Array<Catalog>; limit: number; offset: number; total: number } & {}

Static Categories

Categories: { data: Array<Category>; limit: number; offset: number; total: number } & {}

Static Category

Category: { catalogId?: string; categories?: Array<Category>; creationDate?: any; description?: {} & {}; id: string; image?: string; lastModified?: any; name?: {} & {}; online?: boolean; pageDescription?: {} & {}; pageKeywords?: {} & {}; pageTitle?: {} & {}; parentCategoryId?: string; paths?: Array<PathRecord>; position?: number; sortingRules?: Array<SortingRule>; thumbnail?: string } & {}

Static CategoryLink

CategoryLink: { lastModified: any; position: number; sourceCatalogId: string; sourceCatalogName: {} & {}; sourceCategoryId: string; sourceCategoryName: {} & {}; targetCatalogId: string; targetCatalogName: {} & {}; targetCategoryId: string; targetCategoryName: {} & {}; type: string } & {}

Static CategoryLinks

CategoryLinks: { data: Array<CategoryLink>; limit: number; offset: number; total: number } & {}

Static CategoryProductAssignment

CategoryProductAssignment: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; owningCatalogName?: {} & {}; position?: number; product?: Product; productId: string; productName?: {} & {} } & {}

Static CategoryProductAssignmentSearchResult

CategoryProductAssignmentSearchResult: { hits: Array<CategoryProductAssignment>; limit: number; offset: any; query: Query; sorts?: Array<Sort>; total: any } & {}

Static CategorySearchResult

CategorySearchResult: { hits: Array<Category>; limit: number; offset: any; query: Query; sorts?: Array<Sort>; total: any } & {}

Static ChangeControlled

ChangeControlled: { createdBy?: string; creationDate?: any; lastModifiedBy?: string; modificationDate?: any } & {}

Static ChangeControlledDataType

ChangeControlledDataType: { createdBy?: string; creationDate?: any; lastModifiedBy?: string; modificationDate?: any } & {}

Static ClosedObject

ClosedObject: {} & {}

Static Condition

Condition: { attributeKey: string; attributeName?: string; attributeValue: Array<string>; id: string; operator: string } & {}

Static ConditionsResult

ConditionsResult: { conditions?: Array<Condition>; limit: number; total: number } & {}

Static CustomerListLink

CustomerListLink: { customerListId: string; title?: {} & {} } & {}

Static DateConditionalRequest

DateConditionalRequest: {}

Type declaration

Static DateRangeFilter

DateRangeFilter: {}

Type declaration

Static DatetimeRangeFilter

DatetimeRangeFilter: {}

Type declaration

Static Error

Error: { detail?: string; instance?: string; title?: string; type: string } & {}

Static ErrorResponse

ErrorResponse: { detail?: string; instance?: string; title?: string; type: string } & {}

Static EtagConditionalRequest

EtagConditionalRequest: {}

Type declaration

Static EtagResponse

EtagResponse: {}

Type declaration

Static ExcludedProduct

ExcludedProduct: { productId: string } & {}

Static ExcludedProductRequest

ExcludedProductRequest: { data: Array<ExcludedProduct> } & {}

Static ExcludedProductsResult

ExcludedProductsResult: { data?: Array<ExcludedProduct>; limit: number; total: number } & {}

Static ExecutionJobStatusResult

ExecutionJobStatusResult: { assignedCount?: number; jobStatus: string; lastRunDate?: any; limit?: number; matchedCount?: number; message?: string; offset?: number; productIds?: Array<string>; type?: string; unassignedCount?: number } & {}

Static ExecutionRequest

ExecutionRequest: { evaluation: boolean } & {}

Static Filter

Filter: { boolFilter?: BoolFilter; queryFilter?: QueryFilter; range2Filter?: Range2Filter; rangeFilter?: RangeFilter; termFilter?: TermFilter } & {}

Static FilteredQuery

FilteredQuery: { filter: Filter; query: Query } & {}

Static ImageGroup

ImageGroup: { images: Array<MediaFile>; variationAttributes: Array<VariationAttribute>; viewType: string } & {}

Static IntegerRangeFilter

IntegerRangeFilter: {}

Type declaration

Static JobExecutionNotFound

JobExecutionNotFound: {}

Type declaration

Static L10nString

L10nString: {} & {}

Static LocalizedString

LocalizedString: {} & {}

Static MarkupText

MarkupText: { markup: string; source: string } & {}

Static Master

Master: { masterId: string; orderable?: boolean; price?: number; priceMax?: number; prices?: {} & {} } & {}

Static MatchAllQuery

MatchAllQuery: {} & {}

Static MediaFile

MediaFile: { absUrl?: string; alt: {} & {}; disBaseUrl?: string; path: string; title: {} & {} } & {}

Static Money

Money: { currencyMnemonic: string; value: number } & {}

Static MoneyMnemonic

MoneyMnemonic: { currencyMnemonic?: string; value?: number } & {}

Static NestedQuery

NestedQuery: { path: string; query: Query; scoreMode?: string } & {}

Static NoPropertiesAllowed

NoPropertiesAllowed: {}

Type declaration

Static NotFound

NotFound: {}

Type declaration

Static NumericRangeFilter

NumericRangeFilter: {}

Type declaration

Static OffsetPaginated

OffsetPaginated: {}

Type declaration

Static OpenObject

OpenObject: {} & {}

Static PaginatedSearchResult

PaginatedSearchResult: { hits?: Array<object>; limit: number; offset: any; query: Query; sorts?: Array<Sort>; total: any } & {}

Static PaginatedSearchResultBase

PaginatedSearchResultBase: { hits?: Array<object>; limit: number; offset: any; query: Query; sorts?: Array<Sort>; total: any } & {}

Static PathRecord

PathRecord: { id: string; name?: {} & {} } & {}

Static Product

Product: { assignedCategories?: Array<CatalogCategoryId>; ats?: number; brand?: string; bundledProducts?: Array<Product>; creationDate?: any; defaultVariantId?: string; ean?: string; id?: string; image?: MediaFile; imageGroups?: Array<ImageGroup>; inStock?: boolean; lastModified?: any; longDescription?: {} & {}; manufacturerName?: string; manufacturerSku?: string; master?: Master; name?: {} & {}; online?: boolean; onlineFlag?: {} & {}; owningCatalogId?: string; owningCatalogName?: {} & {}; pageDescription?: {} & {}; pageKeywords?: {} & {}; pageTitle?: {} & {}; price?: number; priceCurrency?: string; primaryCategoryId?: string; productBundles?: Array<Product>; productOptions?: Array<ProductOption>; productSets?: Array<Product>; searchable?: {} & {}; setProducts?: Array<Product>; shortDescription?: {} & {}; type?: ProductType; unit?: string; upc?: string; variants?: Array<Variant>; variationAttributes?: Array<VariationAttribute>; variationGroups?: Array<VariationGroup>; variationValues?: {} & {} } & {}

Static ProductOption

ProductOption: { customName: {} & {}; defaultProductOptionValue: string; description: {} & {}; id: string; image?: MediaFile; name: string; selectedOptionValue: string; shared: boolean; sortingMode: string; values: Array<ProductOptionValue> } & {}

Static ProductOptionValue

ProductOptionValue: { defaultProductOptionValue: boolean; id: string; optionPrices: Array<Money>; skuExtension: string; value: {} & {} } & {}

Static ProductOptionValues

ProductOptionValues: { data: Array<ProductOptionValue>; limit: number; offset: number; total: number } & {}

Static ProductOptions

ProductOptions: { data: Array<ProductOption>; limit: number; offset: number; total: number } & {}

Static ProductType

ProductType: { bundle?: boolean; bundled?: boolean; item?: boolean; master: boolean; option?: boolean; partOfProductSet?: boolean; partOfRetailSet?: boolean; retailSet?: boolean; set?: boolean; variant?: boolean; variationGroup?: boolean } & {}

Static PropertyDefinition

PropertyDefinition: { defaultValue?: PropertyValueDefinition; description: L10nString; id?: string; key?: boolean; localizable?: boolean; mandatory?: boolean; max?: number; min?: number; minLength?: number; multiValueType?: boolean; name: L10nString; possibleValues?: Array<PropertyValueDefinition>; regularExpression?: string; scale?: number; searchable?: boolean; siteSpecific?: boolean; system?: boolean; type: string; unit?: L10nString; visible?: boolean } & {}

Static PropertyValueDefinition

PropertyValueDefinition: { description: L10nString; displayValue: L10nString; id: string; position?: number; value: string }

Type declaration

  • description: L10nString
  • displayValue: L10nString
  • id: string
  • Optional position?: number
  • value: string

Static Query

Query: { boolQuery?: BoolQuery; filteredQuery?: FilteredQuery; matchAllQuery?: MatchAllQuery; nestedQuery?: NestedQuery; termQuery?: TermQuery; textQuery?: TextQuery } & {}

Static QueryFilter

QueryFilter: { query: Query } & {}

Static QueryParamsLimit

QueryParamsLimit: {}

Type declaration

Static QueryParamsOffset

QueryParamsOffset: {}

Type declaration

Static Range2Filter

Range2Filter: { filterMode?: string; fromField: string; fromInclusive?: boolean; fromValue?: any; toField: string; toInclusive?: boolean; toValue?: any } & {}

Static RangeFilter

RangeFilter: {}

Type declaration

Static RateLimited

RateLimited: {}

Type declaration

Static RateLimited2

RateLimited2: {}

Type declaration

Static RateLimited3

RateLimited3: {}

Type declaration

Static RateLimited4

RateLimited4: {}

Type declaration

Static RateLimited5

RateLimited5: {}

Type declaration

Static Rule

Rule: { categorizationClassificationFlag?: boolean; categorizationLocaleId?: string; categorizationPrimaryFlag?: boolean; conditions?: Array<Condition>; enabled: boolean; exclusion: boolean; id: string } & {}

Static RuleNotFound

RuleNotFound: {}

Type declaration

Static RuleRequest

RuleRequest: { categorizationClassificationFlag?: boolean; categorizationLocaleId?: string; categorizationPrimaryFlag?: boolean; enabled: boolean; exclusion: boolean; id: string } & {}

Static RulesRequest

RulesRequest: { data?: Array<Rule> } & {}

Static RulesResult

RulesResult: { data?: Array<Rule>; limit: number; total: number } & {}

Static SearchRequest

SearchRequest: { limit?: number; offset?: any; query: Query; sorts?: Array<Sort> } & {}

Static SearchRequestBase

SearchRequestBase: { limit?: number; offset?: any; query: Query; sorts?: Array<Sort> } & {}

Static Selectable

Selectable: {}

Type declaration

Static SimpleSearchResult

SimpleSearchResult: { hits?: Array<object>; limit: number; offset: any; total: any } & {}

Static SimpleSearchResultBase

SimpleSearchResultBase: { hits?: Array<object>; limit: number; offset: any; total: any } & {}

Static Site

Site: { cartridges?: string; customerListLink?: CustomerListLink; description?: {} & {}; displayName: {} & {}; id: string; inDeletion?: boolean; storefrontStatus?: string } & {}

Static SiteSpecific

SiteSpecific: {}

Type declaration

Static Sort

Sort: { field: string; sortOrder?: string } & {}

Static SortingRule

SortingRule: { creationDate: any; description: string; id: string; productSortingRuleSteps: Array<SortingRuleStep>; ruleContext: string; site: string } & {}

Static SortingRuleStep

SortingRuleStep: { attributeId: string; direction: string; isSystem: boolean; position: number; textRelevanceIncluded: boolean; typeId: string } & {}

Static SpecifiedPropertiesAllowed

SpecifiedPropertiesAllowed: {} & {}

Static SyncCreated

SyncCreated: {}

Type declaration

Static TermFilter

TermFilter: { field: string; operator: string; values?: Array<any> } & {}

Static TermQuery

TermQuery: { fields: Array<string>; operator: string; values?: Array<any> } & {}

Static TextQuery

TextQuery: { fields: Array<string>; searchPhrase: string } & {}

Static Unauthorized

Unauthorized: {}

Type declaration

Static Variant

Variant: { ats?: number; defaultProductVariation?: boolean; image?: MediaFile; inStock?: boolean; online?: boolean; orderable?: boolean; price?: number; priceCurrency?: string; productId: string; searchable?: {} & {}; variationAttributes?: Array<VariationAttribute>; variationValues?: {} & {} } & {}

Static VariationAttribute

VariationAttribute: { attributeDefinitionId: string; attributeDefinitionName?: {} & {}; defaultValue?: string; id?: string; name?: {} & {}; shared?: boolean; slicing?: boolean; values?: Array<VariationAttributeValue>; variationAttributeType?: string } & {}

Static VariationAttributeValue

VariationAttributeValue: { description?: {} & {}; image?: MediaFile; imageSwatch?: MediaFile; name?: {} & {}; orderable?: boolean; position?: number; value: string } & {}

Static VariationAttributeValues

VariationAttributeValues: { data: Array<VariationAttributeValue>; limit: number; offset: number; total: number } & {}

Static VariationAttributes

VariationAttributes: { data: Array<VariationAttribute>; limit: number; offset: number; total: number } & {}

Static VariationGroup

VariationGroup: { orderable: boolean; price: number; productId: string; variationValues: {} & {} } & {}



  • new Catalogs(config: ClientConfig): Catalogs
  • Parameters

    • config: ClientConfig

    Returns Catalogs



clientConfig: ClientConfig



  • addProductsToExclusionList(options: { body: ExcludedProductRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<ExcludedProductsResult>
  • addProductsToExclusionList<T>(options: { body: ExcludedProductRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.ExcludedProductsResult>
  • Adds the product to the excluded product list for a given catalog and category. Once a product is added as an excluded product for the category, then the the categorization process does not categorize that product for that category.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other addProductsToExclusionList function.


    • options: { body: ExcludedProductRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: ExcludedProductRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<ExcludedProductsResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.ExcludedProductsResult.

  • Adds the product to the excluded product list for a given catalog and category. Once a product is added as an excluded product for the category, then the the categorization process does not categorize that product for that category.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: ExcludedProductRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: ExcludedProductRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.ExcludedProductsResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.ExcludedProductsResult otherwise.


  • assignProductToCategory(options: { body: CategoryProductAssignment; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<CategoryProductAssignment | CategoryProductAssignment>
  • assignProductToCategory<T>(options: { body: CategoryProductAssignment; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment | Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment>
  • Creates a category product assignment using the information provided.

    As the assigned position n is a normalized target position, we'll make sure that the product is assigned to a position so that the order of positions are maintained.

    For example, if we have products A, B, C at positions 1, 2, 3, and product D is assigned to position 2, the end result is A, D, B, C with order of positions 1, 2, 3, 4.

    If there are n existing positioned assignment, assigning a new product to position >= n+1 will end with the new assignment with position n+1.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other assignProductToCategory function.


    • options: { body: CategoryProductAssignment; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: CategoryProductAssignment
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<CategoryProductAssignment | CategoryProductAssignment>

    A promise of type Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment | Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment.

  • Creates a category product assignment using the information provided.

    As the assigned position n is a normalized target position, we'll make sure that the product is assigned to a position so that the order of positions are maintained.

    For example, if we have products A, B, C at positions 1, 2, 3, and product D is assigned to position 2, the end result is A, D, B, C with order of positions 1, 2, 3, 4.

    If there are n existing positioned assignment, assigning a new product to position >= n+1 will end with the new assignment with position n+1.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: CategoryProductAssignment; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: CategoryProductAssignment
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment | Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment | Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment otherwise.


  • createCategoryInCatalog(options: { body: Category; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Category | Category>
  • createCategoryInCatalog<T>(options: { body: Category; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Category | Catalogs.Category>
  • Creates a catalog category using the information provided.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createCategoryInCatalog function.


    • options: { body: Category; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: Category
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Category | Category>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Category | Catalogs.Category.

  • Creates a catalog category using the information provided.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: Category; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: Category
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Category | Catalogs.Category>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Category | Catalogs.Category otherwise.


  • createCategoryRules(options: { body: RulesRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<RulesResult>
  • createCategoryRules<T>(options: { body: RulesRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.RulesResult>
  • Creates all rules and conditions within the catalog and category. This deletes any existing rules and conditions for that catalog-category and recreates them based on the new request. The LocaleID, PrimaryFlag, and ClassificationFlag can be set on any of the individual rules, but they apply to entire ruleset. For simplicity, those values can just be provided with one of the rules. If they are provided with multiple rules, then they must all have the same value for all rules or it could have undesired effects.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createCategoryRules function.


    • options: { body: RulesRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: RulesRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<RulesResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.RulesResult.

  • Creates all rules and conditions within the catalog and category. This deletes any existing rules and conditions for that catalog-category and recreates them based on the new request. The LocaleID, PrimaryFlag, and ClassificationFlag can be set on any of the individual rules, but they apply to entire ruleset. For simplicity, those values can just be provided with one of the rules. If they are provided with multiple rules, then they must all have the same value for all rules or it could have undesired effects.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: RulesRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: RulesRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.RulesResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.RulesResult otherwise.


  • createOrUpdateCategoryRuleCondition(options: { body: Condition; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Condition | Condition>
  • createOrUpdateCategoryRuleCondition<T>(options: { body: Condition; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Condition | Catalogs.Condition>
  • Creates or updates a condition.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createOrUpdateCategoryRuleCondition function.


    • options: { body: Condition; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: Condition
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Condition | Condition>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Condition | Catalogs.Condition.

  • Creates or updates a condition.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: Condition; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: Condition
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Condition | Catalogs.Condition>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Condition | Catalogs.Condition otherwise.


  • createUpdateRule(options: { body: RuleRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Rule | Rule>
  • createUpdateRule<T>(options: { body: RuleRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Rule | Catalogs.Rule>
  • Creates or updates a rule.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other createUpdateRule function.


    • options: { body: RuleRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: RuleRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Rule | Rule>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Rule | Catalogs.Rule.

  • Creates or updates a rule.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: RuleRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: RuleRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Rule | Catalogs.Rule>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Rule | Catalogs.Rule otherwise.


  • deleteCategoryFromCatalog(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<void>
  • deleteCategoryFromCatalog<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>
  • Deletes the category by catalog ID and category ID.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteCategoryFromCatalog function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise of type void.

  • Deletes the category by catalog ID and category ID.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.


  • deleteCategoryRuleCondition(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<void>
  • deleteCategoryRuleCondition<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>
  • Deletes a condition.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteCategoryRuleCondition function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise of type void.

  • Deletes a condition.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.


  • deleteCategoryRuleConditions(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<void>
  • deleteCategoryRuleConditions<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>
  • Deletes all the conditions for a given rule, catalog and category.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteCategoryRuleConditions function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise of type void.

  • Deletes all the conditions for a given rule, catalog and category.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.


  • deleteCategoryRules(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<void>
  • deleteCategoryRules<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>
  • Deletes all the rules along with conditions for given catalog and category.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteCategoryRules function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise of type void.

  • Deletes all the rules along with conditions for given catalog and category.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.


  • deleteRule(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<void>
  • deleteRule<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>
  • Deletes a rule.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other deleteRule function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise of type void.

  • Deletes a rule.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.


  • getAssignedProductFromCategory(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<CategoryProductAssignment>
  • getAssignedProductFromCategory<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment>
  • Retrieves a category product assignment.

    For example, if we have products A, B, C at positions 1, 2, 7.5, and delete assignment for product B, the products end up A, B, C at positions 1, null, 7.5.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getAssignedProductFromCategory function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<CategoryProductAssignment>

    A promise of type Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment.

  • Retrieves a category product assignment.

    For example, if we have products A, B, C at positions 1, 2, 7.5, and delete assignment for product B, the products end up A, B, C at positions 1, null, 7.5.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment otherwise.


  • getCatalog(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Catalog>
  • getCatalog<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Catalog>
  • Gets the catalog with the specified information.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCatalog function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Catalog>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Catalog.

  • Gets the catalog with the specified information.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Catalog>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Catalog otherwise.


  • getCatalogs(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Catalogs>
  • getCatalogs<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Catalogs>
  • Action to get the list of catalog IDs with no filtering.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCatalogs function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Catalogs>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Catalogs.

  • Action to get the list of catalog IDs with no filtering.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Catalogs>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Catalogs otherwise.


  • getCategoriesFromCatalog(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Categories>
  • getCategoriesFromCatalog<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Categories>
  • Action to get all the categories with no filtering.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCategoriesFromCatalog function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Categories>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Categories.

  • Action to get all the categories with no filtering.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Categories>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Categories otherwise.


  • getCategorizationStatus(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<ExecutionJobStatusResult>
  • getCategorizationStatus<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.ExecutionJobStatusResult>
  • Gets the status of the latest categorization job which could be evaluation or execution. For evaluation, the matched count and a paginated list of product IDs are returned. For execution, the counts of the products which are assigned or unassigned are returned.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCategorizationStatus function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<ExecutionJobStatusResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.ExecutionJobStatusResult.

  • Gets the status of the latest categorization job which could be evaluation or execution. For evaluation, the matched count and a paginated list of product IDs are returned. For execution, the counts of the products which are assigned or unassigned are returned.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; limit?: number; offset?: any; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.ExecutionJobStatusResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.ExecutionJobStatusResult otherwise.


  • getCategoryFromCatalog(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Category>
  • getCategoryFromCatalog<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Category>
  • Action to read an existing category within a catalog. By default, the server also returns the first level of sub-categories, but you can specify another level by setting the levels parameter. Using a large value for levels may cause performance issues in case of a large and deep category tree.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCategoryFromCatalog function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Category>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Category.

  • Action to read an existing category within a catalog. By default, the server also returns the first level of sub-categories, but you can specify another level by setting the levels parameter. Using a large value for levels may cause performance issues in case of a large and deep category tree.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Category>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Category otherwise.


  • getCategoryRuleCondition(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Condition>
  • getCategoryRuleCondition<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Condition>
  • Gets a condition By ID.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCategoryRuleCondition function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Condition>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Condition.

  • Gets a condition By ID.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; conditionId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Condition>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Condition otherwise.


  • getCategoryRuleConditions(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<ConditionsResult>
  • getCategoryRuleConditions<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.ConditionsResult>
  • Gets the conditions for a given rule, catalog and category.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCategoryRuleConditions function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<ConditionsResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.ConditionsResult.

  • Gets the conditions for a given rule, catalog and category.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.ConditionsResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.ConditionsResult otherwise.


  • getCategoryRules(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<RulesResult>
  • getCategoryRules<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.RulesResult>
  • Gets all the rules for given catalog and category.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getCategoryRules function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<RulesResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.RulesResult.

  • Gets all the rules for given catalog and category.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.RulesResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.RulesResult otherwise.


  • getExclusionList(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<ExcludedProductsResult>
  • getExclusionList<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.ExcludedProductsResult>
  • Gets the list of excluded products for a given catalog and category.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getExclusionList function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<ExcludedProductsResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.ExcludedProductsResult.

  • Gets the list of excluded products for a given catalog and category.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.ExcludedProductsResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.ExcludedProductsResult otherwise.


  • getRuleById(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Rule>
  • getRuleById<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Rule>
  • Gets rule by ID.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getRuleById function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Rule>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Rule.

  • Gets rule by ID.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; ruleId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Rule>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Rule otherwise.


  • removeProductsFromExclusionList(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<void>
  • removeProductsFromExclusionList<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>
  • Deletes products from the excluded products list for a catalog category.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other removeProductsFromExclusionList function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise of type void.

  • Deletes products from the excluded products list for a catalog category.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.


  • runCategoryRules(options: { body: ExecutionRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<void>
  • runCategoryRules<T>(options: { body: ExecutionRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>
  • Submits a job to evaluate or execute the rules. The evaluation returns a set of matching products based on the rules and conditions. The execution categorizes the products based on the evaluated results.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other runCategoryRules function.


    • options: { body: ExecutionRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: ExecutionRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise of type void.

  • Submits a job to evaluate or execute the rules. The evaluation returns a set of matching products based on the rules and conditions. The execution categorizes the products based on the evaluated results.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: ExecutionRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: ExecutionRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.


  • searchCatalogs(options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<CatalogSearchResult>
  • searchCatalogs<T>(options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CatalogSearchResult>
  • Searches for catalogs.

    The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search with the following searchable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime

    There are two additional fields that can be used as search filters. They are not attributes in CatalogWO object, but can be used as filters to query catalogs based on site assignments.

    Attribute Type
    isMasterCatalog Boolean
    isStorefrontCatalog Boolean
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    position Double

    On using isMasterCatalog in the search query, catalogs without any site assignments are returned. On using isStorefrontCatalog in the search query, catalogs with one or more site assignments are returned.

    The output of the query can also be sorted with the following sortable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other searchCatalogs function.


    • options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: SearchRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<CatalogSearchResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.CatalogSearchResult.

  • Searches for catalogs.

    The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search with the following searchable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime

    There are two additional fields that can be used as search filters. They are not attributes in CatalogWO object, but can be used as filters to query catalogs based on site assignments.

    Attribute Type
    isMasterCatalog Boolean
    isStorefrontCatalog Boolean
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    position Double

    On using isMasterCatalog in the search query, catalogs without any site assignments are returned. On using isStorefrontCatalog in the search query, catalogs with one or more site assignments are returned.

    The output of the query can also be sorted with the following sortable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: SearchRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CatalogSearchResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.CatalogSearchResult otherwise.


  • searchCategories(options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<CategorySearchResult>
  • searchCategories<T>(options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategorySearchResult>
  • Searches for catalog categories anywhere they appear. By default, the server also returns the first level of subcategories, but you can specify another level by setting the levels parameter. Please note, using a large value for levels may cause performance issues with a large and deep category tree.

    The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search with the following searchable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    catalogId String

    The output of the query can also be sorted with the following sortable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    position Double

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other searchCategories function.


    • options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: SearchRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<CategorySearchResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.CategorySearchResult.

  • Searches for catalog categories anywhere they appear. By default, the server also returns the first level of subcategories, but you can specify another level by setting the levels parameter. Please note, using a large value for levels may cause performance issues with a large and deep category tree.

    The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search with the following searchable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    catalogId String

    The output of the query can also be sorted with the following sortable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    position Double

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: SearchRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategorySearchResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.CategorySearchResult otherwise.


  • searchCategoriesInCatalog(options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<CategorySearchResult>
  • searchCategoriesInCatalog<T>(options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategorySearchResult>
  • Searches for catalog categories in the scope of catalog. By default, the server also returns the first level of subcategories, but you can specify another level by setting the levels parameter. Using a large value for levels may cause performance issues with a large and deep category tree.

    The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search with the following searchable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    parentCategoryId String

    The output of the query can also be sorted with the following sortable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    position Double

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other searchCategoriesInCatalog function.


    • options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: SearchRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<CategorySearchResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.CategorySearchResult.

  • Searches for catalog categories in the scope of catalog. By default, the server also returns the first level of subcategories, but you can specify another level by setting the levels parameter. Using a large value for levels may cause performance issues with a large and deep category tree.

    The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search with the following searchable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    parentCategoryId String

    The output of the query can also be sorted with the following sortable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    id String
    name String
    description String
    creationDate DateTime
    online Boolean
    position Double

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: SearchRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; levels?: number; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategorySearchResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.CategorySearchResult otherwise.


  • searchProductsAssignedToCategory(options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; siteId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<CategoryProductAssignmentSearchResult>
  • searchProductsAssignedToCategory<T>(options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; siteId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignmentSearchResult>
  • Searches for category product assignments. The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search.

    The following are searchable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    productId String
    productName String
    onlineFlag Boolean
    searchable Boolean
    validFrom DateTime
    validTo DateTime
    creationDate DateTime

    Sortable Fields:

    Attribute Type
    productId String
    productName String
    position Double
    creationDate DateTime

    Expansions that can be applied for the search request:

    • product_base - String

    The product_base expand will enable retrieval of the following basic product information:

    Attribute Type Function
    none String Will not fetch any expanded information.
    product_images String Fetch preview image and image groups specified for the given product.
    product_all_images String Fetch preview image, image groups specified for the product, and variant and variation group images.
    product_variations String Fetch variations related information.
    product_availability String Fetch availability related information.
    product_categories String Fetch category related information.
    product_prices String Fetch price related information.
    product_options String Fetch options related information.
    product_all String Fetch all expanded information. This is the default used when no expand value is included in the request.

    Note: productAll includes the following:

    • brand
    • ean
    • link
    • longDescription
    • manufacturerName
    • manufacturerSku
    • name
    • pageDescription
    • pageKeywords
    • pageTitle
    • searchable
    • shortDescription
    • type
    • unit
    • upc

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other searchProductsAssignedToCategory function.


    • options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; siteId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: SearchRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; siteId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<CategoryProductAssignmentSearchResult>

    A promise of type Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignmentSearchResult.

  • Searches for category product assignments. The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search.

    The following are searchable attributes:

    Attribute Type
    productId String
    productName String
    onlineFlag Boolean
    searchable Boolean
    validFrom DateTime
    validTo DateTime
    creationDate DateTime

    Sortable Fields:

    Attribute Type
    productId String
    productName String
    position Double
    creationDate DateTime

    Expansions that can be applied for the search request:

    • product_base - String

    The product_base expand will enable retrieval of the following basic product information:

    Attribute Type Function
    none String Will not fetch any expanded information.
    product_images String Fetch preview image and image groups specified for the given product.
    product_all_images String Fetch preview image, image groups specified for the product, and variant and variation group images.
    product_variations String Fetch variations related information.
    product_availability String Fetch availability related information.
    product_categories String Fetch category related information.
    product_prices String Fetch price related information.
    product_options String Fetch options related information.
    product_all String Fetch all expanded information. This is the default used when no expand value is included in the request.

    Note: productAll includes the following:

    • brand
    • ean
    • link
    • longDescription
    • manufacturerName
    • manufacturerSku
    • name
    • pageDescription
    • pageKeywords
    • pageTitle
    • searchable
    • shortDescription
    • type
    • unit
    • upc

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: SearchRequest; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; siteId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: SearchRequest
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; siteId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignmentSearchResult>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignmentSearchResult otherwise.


  • unassignProductFromCategory(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<void>
  • unassignProductFromCategory<T>(options?: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>
  • Removes a category product assignment.

    For example, if we have products A, B, C at positions 1, 2, 7.5 and delete assignment for product B, the products end up A, B, C at positions 1, null, 7.5.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other unassignProductFromCategory function.


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise of type void.

  • Removes a category product assignment.

    For example, if we have products A, B, C at positions 1, 2, 7.5 and delete assignment for product B, the products end up A, B, C at positions 1, null, 7.5.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: { fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : void>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type void otherwise.


  • updateCatalog(options: { body: Catalog; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Catalog>
  • updateCatalog<T>(options: { body: Catalog; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Catalog>
  • Updates the catalog with the specified information.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateCatalog function.


    • options: { body: Catalog; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: Catalog
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Catalog>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Catalog.

  • Updates the catalog with the specified information.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: Catalog; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: Catalog
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Catalog>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Catalog otherwise.


  • updateCategoryInCatalog(options: { body: Category; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<Category>
  • updateCategoryInCatalog<T>(options: { body: Category; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Category>
  • Updates a catalog category using the information provided.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateCategoryInCatalog function.


    • options: { body: Category; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: Category
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<Category>

    A promise of type Catalogs.Category.

  • Updates a catalog category using the information provided.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: Category; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: Category
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.Category>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.Category otherwise.


  • updateProductCategoryAssignment(options: { body: CategoryProductAssignment; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }): Promise<CategoryProductAssignment>
  • updateProductCategoryAssignment<T>(options: { body: CategoryProductAssignment; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }, rawResponse?: T): Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment>
  • Updates the category product assignment with the specified information, such as position. As the assigned position n is a normalized target position, we'll make sure that the product is assigned to a position so that the order of positions are maintained.

    For example, if we have products A, B, C, D at positions 1, 2, 3, 4 and update product A with a new position of 3, the end result is B, C, A, D with order of positions 1, 2, 3, 4. If we then update product C to no position, the end result is B, A, D, C with order of positions 1, 2, 3, null.

    If there are n existing positioned assignments, updating product to position >= n will end with a new assignment with a position such that the order of positions is maintained.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other updateProductCategoryAssignment function.


    • options: { body: CategoryProductAssignment; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: CategoryProductAssignment
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions

    Returns Promise<CategoryProductAssignment>

    A promise of type Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment.

  • Updates the category product assignment with the specified information, such as position. As the assigned position n is a normalized target position, we'll make sure that the product is assigned to a position so that the order of positions are maintained.

    For example, if we have products A, B, C, D at positions 1, 2, 3, 4 and update product A with a new position of 3, the end result is B, C, A, D with order of positions 1, 2, 3, 4. If we then update product C to no position, the end result is B, A, D, C with order of positions 1, 2, 3, null.

    If there are n existing positioned assignments, updating product to position >= n will end with a new assignment with a position such that the order of positions is maintained.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • options: { body: CategoryProductAssignment; fetchOptions?: RequestInit; headers?: {}; parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}; retrySettings?: OperationOptions }

      An object containing the options for this method.

      • body: CategoryProductAssignment
      • Optional fetchOptions?: RequestInit
      • Optional headers?: {}
        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional parameters?: { catalogId: string; categoryId: string; organizationId?: string; productId: string } & {}
      • Optional retrySettings?: OperationOptions
    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type Catalogs.CategoryProductAssignment otherwise.

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