Enumeration ShopperContextsMutations

Mutation for Shopper Contexts.

Enumeration Members

CreateShopperContext: "createShopperContext"

Creates the shopper's context based on shopperJWT.


A TanStack Query mutation hook for interacting with the Shopper Contexts createShopperContext endpoint.

DeleteShopperContext: "deleteShopperContext"

Gets the shopper's context based on the shopperJWT.


A TanStack Query mutation hook for interacting with the Shopper Contexts deleteShopperContext endpoint.

UpdateShopperContext: "updateShopperContext"

Updates the shopper's context based on the Shopper JWT. If the shopper context exists, it's updated with the patch body. If a customer qualifier or an effectiveDateTime is already present in the existing shopper context, its value is replaced by the corresponding value from the patch body. If a customer qualifers' value is set to null it's deleted from existing shopper context. If effectiveDateTime value is set to set to an empty string (""), it's deleted from existing shopper context. If effectiveDateTime value is set to null it's ignored. If an effectiveDateTime or customer qualifiiers' value is new, it's added to the existing Shopper context.


A TanStack Query mutation hook for interacting with the Shopper Contexts updateShopperContext endpoint.