Enumeration ShopperBasketsMutations

Mutations available for Shopper Baskets.

Enumeration Members

AddCouponToBasket: "addCouponToBasket"

Adds a coupon to an existing basket.

AddGiftCertificateItemToBasket: "addGiftCertificateItemToBasket"

Adds a gift certificate item to an existing basket.

AddItemToBasket: "addItemToBasket"

Adds new items to a basket.

AddPaymentInstrumentToBasket: "addPaymentInstrumentToBasket"

Adds a payment instrument to a basket.

AddPriceBooksToBasket: "addPriceBooksToBasket"

This method allows you to put an array of priceBookIds to an existing basket, which will be used for basket calculation.

AddTaxesForBasket: "addTaxesForBasket"

This method allows you to apply external taxation data to an existing basket to be able to pass tax rates and optional values for all taxable line items. This endpoint can be called only if external taxation mode was used for basket creation. See POST /baskets for more information.

AddTaxesForBasketItem: "addTaxesForBasketItem"

This method allows you to apply external taxation data to an existing basket to be able to pass tax rates and optional values for a specific taxable line item. This endpoint can be called only if external taxation mode was used for basket creation. See POST /baskets for more information.

CreateBasket: "createBasket"

Creates a new basket.

The created basket is initialized with default values.

CreateShipmentForBasket: "createShipmentForBasket"

Creates a new shipment for a basket.

The created shipment is initialized with values provided in the body document and can be updated with further data API calls. Considered from the body are the following properties if specified:

  • the ID
  • the shipping address
  • the shipping method
  • gift boolean flag
  • gift message
  • custom properties
DeleteBasket: "deleteBasket"

Removes a basket.

MergeBasket: "mergeBasket"

Merge data from the previous shopper's basket into the current shopper's active basket and delete the previous shopper's basket. This endpoint doesn't merge Personally Identifiable Information (PII). You must obtain the shopper authorization token via SLAS and you must provide the ‘guest usid‘ in both the ‘/oauth2/login‘ and ‘/oauth2/token‘ calls while fetching the registered user JWT token. After the merge, all basket amounts are recalculated and totaled, including lookups for prices, taxes, shipping, and promotions.

RemoveCouponFromBasket: "removeCouponFromBasket"

Removes a coupon from the basket.

RemoveGiftCertificateItemFromBasket: "removeGiftCertificateItemFromBasket"

Deletes a gift certificate item from an existing basket.

RemoveItemFromBasket: "removeItemFromBasket"

Removes a product item from the basket.

RemovePaymentInstrumentFromBasket: "removePaymentInstrumentFromBasket"

Removes a payment instrument of a basket.

RemoveShipmentFromBasket: "removeShipmentFromBasket"

Removes a specified shipment and all associated product, gift certificate, shipping, and price adjustment line items from a basket. It is not allowed to remove the default shipment.

TransferBasket: "transferBasket"

Transfer the previous shopper's basket to the current shopper by updating the basket's owner. No other values change. You must obtain the shopper authorization token via SLAS and you must provide the ‘guest usid‘ in both the ‘/oauth2/login‘ and ‘/oauth2/token‘ calls while fetching the registered user JWT token.

A success response contains the transferred basket.

If the current shopper has an active basket, and the overrideExisting request parameter is false, then the transfer request returns a BasketTransferException (HTTP status 409). You can proceed with one of these options:

  • Keep the current shopper's active basket.
  • Merge the previous and current shoppers' baskets by calling the baskets/merge endpoint.
  • Force the transfer by calling the baskets/transfer endpoint again, with the parameter overrideExisting=true. Forcing the transfer deletes the current shopper's active basket.
UpdateBasket: "updateBasket"

Updates a basket. Only the currency of the basket, source code, the custom properties of the basket, and the shipping items will be considered.

UpdateBillingAddressForBasket: "updateBillingAddressForBasket"

Sets the billing address of a basket.

UpdateCustomerForBasket: "updateCustomerForBasket"

Sets customer information for an existing basket.

UpdateGiftCertificateItemInBasket: "updateGiftCertificateItemInBasket"

Updates a gift certificate item of an existing basket.

UpdateItemInBasket: "updateItemInBasket"

Updates an item in a basket.

UpdatePaymentInstrumentInBasket: "updatePaymentInstrumentInBasket"

Updates payment instrument of an existing basket.

UpdateShipmentForBasket: "updateShipmentForBasket"

Updates a shipment for a basket.

The shipment is initialized with values provided in the body document and can be updated with further data API calls. Considered from the body are the following properties if specified:

  • the ID
  • the shipping address
  • the shipping method
  • gift boolean flag
  • gift message
  • custom properties
UpdateShippingAddressForShipment: "updateShippingAddressForShipment"

Sets a shipping address of a specific shipment of a basket.

UpdateShippingMethodForShipment: "updateShippingMethodForShipment"

Sets a shipping method to a specific shipment of a basket.