Type aliases
Static AsyncCreated
AsyncCreated: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:194
Static BoolFilter
BoolFilter: { filters?: Array < any > ; operator: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:61
Static BoolQuery
BoolQuery: { must?: Array < any > ; mustNot?: Array < any > ; should?: Array < any > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:123
Static BrandSuggestions
BrandSuggestions: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:260
Static CategorySuggestions
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:213
Static ClosedObject
ClosedObject: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:44
Static CustomSuggestions
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:290
Static DateConditionalRequest
DateConditionalRequest: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:188
Static ErrorResponse
ErrorResponse: { detail?: string ; instance?: string ; title?: string ; type: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:175
Static EtagConditionalRequest
EtagConditionalRequest: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:192
Static EtagResponse
EtagResponse: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:182
Static Filter
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:142
Static FilteredQuery
FilteredQuery: { filter: any ; query: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:78
Static Image
Image: { alt?: string ; disBaseLink?: string ; link: string ; title?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:329
Static MatchAllQuery
MatchAllQuery: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:75
Static Money
Money: { currencyMnemonic?: string ; value?: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:16
Static MoneyMnemonic
MoneyMnemonic: { currencyMnemonic?: string ; value?: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:170
Static NestedQuery
NestedQuery: { path: string ; query: any ; scoreMode?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:136
Static NoPropertiesAllowed
NoPropertiesAllowed: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:56
Static OffsetPaginated
OffsetPaginated: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:200
Static OpenObject
OpenObject: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:47
Static PaginatedSearchResult
SearchResult: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; query: any ; sorts?: Array < Sort > ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:35
Static PaginatedSearchResultBase
SearchResultBase: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; query: any ; sorts?: Array < Sort > ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:66
Static ProductRef
ProductRef: { id: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:204
Static ProductSearchHit
SearchHit: { currency?: string ; hitType?: string ; image?: Image ; orderable?: boolean ; price?: number ; priceMax?: number ; prices?: {} & {} ; productId: string ; productName?: string ; productType?: ProductType ; representedProduct?: ProductRef ; representedProducts?: Array < ProductRef > ; variationAttributes?: Array < VariationAttribute > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:296
Static ProductSearchRefinement
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:284
Static ProductSearchRefinementValue
SearchRefinementValue: { description?: string ; hitCount: number ; label: string ; presentationId?: string ; value: string ; values?: Array < ProductSearchRefinementValue > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:263
Static ProductSearchResult
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:314
Static ProductSearchSortingOption
ProductSearchSortingOption: { id: string ; label: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:272
Static ProductSuggestions
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:238
Static ProductType
ProductType: { bundle?: boolean ; item?: boolean ; master?: boolean ; option?: boolean ; set?: boolean ; variant?: boolean ; variationGroup?: boolean } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:250
Static Query
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:87
Static QueryFilter
QueryFilter: { query: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:83
Static QueryParamsLimit
QueryParamsLimit: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:50
Static QueryParamsOffset
QueryParamsOffset: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:52
Static Range2Filter
Range2Filter: { filterMode?: string ; fromField: string ; fromInclusive?: boolean ; fromValue?: any ; toField: string ; toInclusive?: boolean ; toValue?: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:113
Static RangeFilter
RangeFilter: { field: string ; from?: any ; fromInclusive?: boolean ; to?: any ; toInclusive?: boolean } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:155
Static RateLimited
RateLimited: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:196
Static RateLimited2
RateLimited2: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:198
Static RateLimited3
RateLimited3: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:184
Static RateLimited4
RateLimited4: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:202
Static RateLimited5
RateLimited5: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:190
Static SearchRequest
Request: { limit?: number ; offset?: any ; query: any ; sorts?: Array < Sort > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:28
Static SearchRequestBase
RequestBase: { limit?: number ; offset?: any ; query: any ; sorts?: Array < Sort > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:163
Static SimpleSearchResult
SimpleSearchResult: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:21
Static SimpleSearchResultBase
SimpleSearchResultBase: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:129
Static SiteSpecific
SiteSpecific: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:54
Static Sort
Sort: { field: string ; sortOrder?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:150
Static SpecifiedPropertiesAllowed
SpecifiedPropertiesAllowed: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:58
Static SuggestedCategory
SuggestedCategory: { id: string ; name: string ; parentCategoryName: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:244
Static SuggestedPhrase
SuggestedPhrase: { exactMatch: boolean ; phrase: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:227
Static SuggestedProduct
Product: { currency: string ; image?: Image ; price: number ; productId: string ; productName: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:219
Static SuggestedTerm
SuggestedTerm: { completed: boolean ; corrected: boolean ; exactMatch: boolean ; value: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:277
Static SuggestedTerms
Terms: { originalTerm: string ; terms?: Array < SuggestedTerm > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:208
Static Suggestion
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:345
Static SuggestionResult
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:350
Static SyncCreated
SyncCreated: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:186
Static TermFilter
TermFilter: { field: string ; operator: string ; values?: Array < any > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:102
Static TermQuery
TermQuery: { fields: Array < string > ; operator: string ; values?: Array < any > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:96
Static TextQuery
TextQuery: { fields: Array < string > ; searchPhrase: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:108
Static VariationAttribute
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:232
Static VariationAttributeValue
AttributeValue: { description?: string ; image?: Image ; imageSwatch?: Image ; name?: string ; orderable?: boolean ; value: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:336
Static badRequest
badRequest: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/search/shopperSearch/shopperSearch.ts:358
Shopper Search
Search for products and provide search suggestions.
Example with shopper auth
API Version: 1.0.23import { Search, ClientConfig, Customer, slasHelpers } from "commerce-sdk"; // or const { Search, ClientConfig, Customer, slasHelpers } = require("commerce-sdk"); const clientConfig: ClientConfig = { parameters: { clientId: "XXXXXX", organizationId: "XXXX", shortCode: "XXX", siteId: "XX" } }; // must be registered in SLAS. On server, redirectURI is never called const redirectURI = "http://localhost:3000/callback"; const slasClient = new Customer.ShopperLogin(clientConfig); token = await slasHelpers.loginGuestUser(slasClient, { redirectURI }); clientConfig.headers['authorization'] = `Bearer ${token.access_token}`; const shopperSearchClient = new Search.ShopperSearch(clientConfig);
Last Updated: