Type aliases
Static AsyncCreated
AsyncCreated: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:85
Static AttributeDefinition
Definition: { defaultValue?: PropertyValueDefinition ; description: L10nString ; id?: string ; key?: boolean ; localizable?: boolean ; mandatory?: boolean ; max?: number ; min?: number ; minLength?: number ; multiValueType?: boolean ; name: L10nString ; possibleValues?: Array < PropertyValueDefinition > ; regularExpression?: string ; scale?: number ; searchable?: boolean ; siteSpecific?: boolean ; system?: boolean ; type: string ; unit?: L10nString ; visible?: boolean }
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:297
Type declaration
Optional id?: string
Optional key?: boolean
Optional localizable?: boolean
Optional mandatory?: boolean
Optional max?: number
Optional min?: number
Optional minLength?: number
Optional multiValueType?: boolean
Optional regularExpression?: string
Optional scale?: number
Optional searchable?: boolean
Optional siteSpecific?: boolean
Optional system?: boolean
type: string
Optional visible?: boolean
Static BoolFilter
Filter: { filters?: Array < Filter > ; operator: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:188
Static BoolQuery
Query: { must?: Array < Query > ; mustNot?: Array < Query > ; should?: Array < Query > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:250
Static ChangeControlled
ChangeControlled: { createdBy?: string ; creationDate?: any ; lastModifiedBy?: string ; modificationDate?: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:62
Static ChangeControlledDataType
ChangeControlledDataType: { createdBy?: string ; creationDate?: any ; lastModifiedBy?: string ; modificationDate?: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:101
Static ClosedObject
ClosedObject: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:169
Static DateConditionalRequest
DateConditionalRequest: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:79
Static DateRangeFilter
DateRangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:69
Static DatetimeRangeFilter
DatetimeRangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:99
Static Error
Error: { detail?: string ; instance?: string ; title?: string ; type: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:108
Static ErrorResponse
ErrorResponse: { detail?: string ; instance?: string ; title?: string ; type: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:55
Static EtagConditionalRequest
EtagConditionalRequest: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:83
Static EtagResponse
EtagResponse: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:71
Static Filter
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:269
Static FilteredQuery
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:205
Static IdConflict
IdConflict: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:51
Static IntegerRangeFilter
IntegerRangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:73
Static InvalidQuery
InvalidQuery: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:53
Static L10nString
L10nString: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:294
Static LocalizedString
LocalizedString: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:157
Static MatchAllQuery
MatchAllQuery: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:202
Static Money
Money: { currencyMnemonic?: string ; value?: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:115
Static MoneyMnemonic
MoneyMnemonic: { currencyMnemonic?: string ; value?: number } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:289
Static NestedQuery
Query: { path: string ; query: Query ; scoreMode?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:263
Static NoPropertiesAllowed
NoPropertiesAllowed: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:183
Static NumericRangeFilter
NumericRangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:97
Static OffsetPaginated
OffsetPaginated: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:91
Static OpenObject
OpenObject: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:172
Static PaginatedSearchResult
SearchResult: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; query: Query ; sorts?: Array < Sort > ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:160
Static PaginatedSearchResultBase
SearchResultBase: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; query: Query ; sorts?: Array < Sort > ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:193
Static PropertyDefinition
Definition: { defaultValue?: PropertyValueDefinition ; description: L10nString ; id?: string ; key?: boolean ; localizable?: boolean ; mandatory?: boolean ; max?: number ; min?: number ; minLength?: number ; multiValueType?: boolean ; name: L10nString ; possibleValues?: Array < PropertyValueDefinition > ; regularExpression?: string ; scale?: number ; searchable?: boolean ; siteSpecific?: boolean ; system?: boolean ; type: string ; unit?: L10nString ; visible?: boolean } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:134
Static PropertyValueDefinition
ValueDefinition: { description: L10nString ; displayValue: L10nString ; id: string ; position?: number ; value: string }
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:319
Type declaration
id: string
Optional position?: number
value: string
Static Query
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:214
Static QueryFilter
Filter: { query: Query } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:210
Static QueryParamsLimit
QueryParamsLimit: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:175
Static QueryParamsOffset
QueryParamsOffset: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:177
Static Range2Filter
Range2Filter: { filterMode?: string ; fromField: string ; fromInclusive?: boolean ; fromValue?: any ; toField: string ; toInclusive?: boolean ; toValue?: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:240
Static RangeFilter
RangeFilter: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:93
Static RateLimited
RateLimited: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:87
Static RateLimited2
RateLimited2: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:89
Static RateLimited3
RateLimited3: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:75
Static RateLimited4
RateLimited4: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:95
Static RateLimited5
RateLimited5: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:81
Static SearchRequest
Request: { limit?: number ; offset?: any ; query: Query ; sorts?: Array < Sort > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:127
Static SearchRequestBase
RequestBase: { limit?: number ; offset?: any ; query: Query ; sorts?: Array < Sort > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:282
Static Selectable
Selectable: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:181
Static SimpleSearchResult
SimpleSearchResult: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:120
Static SimpleSearchResultBase
SimpleSearchResultBase: { hits?: Array < object > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:256
Static SiteSpecific
SiteSpecific: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:179
Static Sort
Sort: { field: string ; sortOrder?: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:277
Static SourceCodeGroup
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:16
Static SourceCodeGroupInvalid
SourceCodeGroupInvalid: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:49
Static SourceCodeGroupNotFound
SourceCodeGroupNotFound: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:47
Static SourceCodeGroupSearchResult
CodeGroupSearchResult: { hits: Array < SourceCodeGroup > ; limit: number ; offset: any ; query: Query ; sorts?: Array < Sort > ; total: any } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:31
Static SourceCodeRedirectInfo
SourceCodeRedirectInfo: { location?: string ; locationType: string }
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:40
Type declaration
Optional location?: string
locationType: string
Static SourceCodeSpecification
SourceCodeSpecification: { expression: string }
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:44
Static SpecifiedPropertiesAllowed
SpecifiedPropertiesAllowed: {} & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:185
Static SyncCreated
SyncCreated: {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:77
Static TermFilter
TermFilter: { field: string ; operator: string ; values?: Array < any > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:229
Static TermQuery
TermQuery: { fields: Array < string > ; operator: string ; values?: Array < any > } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:223
Static TextQuery
TextQuery: { fields: Array < string > ; searchPhrase: string } & {}
Defined in renderedTemplates/pricing/sourceCodeGroups/sourceCodeGroups.ts:235
Source Code Groups
Create, update, delete, and search for source code groups.
For instructions on how to retrieve access token for admin APIs: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/commerce/commerce-api/guide/authorization-for-admin-apis.html
Example with admin auth
API Version: 1.0.28import { Pricing, ClientConfig } from "commerce-sdk"; // or const { Pricing, ClientConfig } = require("commerce-sdk"); const clientConfig: ClientConfig = { parameters: { clientId: "XXXXXX", organizationId: "XXXX", shortCode: "XXX", siteId: "XX" } }; token = { access_token: 'INSERT_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE' }; clientConfig.headers['authorization'] = `Bearer ${token.access_token}`; const sourceCodeGroupsClient = new Pricing.SourceCodeGroups(clientConfig);
Last Updated: