Class Money
Class Money
Represents money in Commerce Cloud Digital.
Represents that there is no money available.
available  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Identifies if the instance contains settings for value and currency.
currencyCode  :  String  (Read Only)
The ISO 4217 currency mnemonic (such as 'USD', 'EUR') of the currency the money value relates to. Note a money instance may also describe a price that is 'not available'. In this case the value of this attribute is N/A.
decimalValue  :  Decimal  (Read Only)
The money as Decimal, null is returned when the money is not available.
value  :  Number  (Read Only)
The value of the money instance.
valueOrNull  :  Number  (Read Only)
Return the value of the money instance or null if the Money instance is NOT_AVAILABLE.
Constructor Summary
Money(value : Number, currencyCode : String)
Constructs a new money instance with the specified amount for the specified currency.
Method Summary
add(value : Money) : Money
Returns a Money instance by adding the specified Money object to the current object.
addPercent(percent : Number) : Money
Adds a certain percentage to the money object.
addRate(value : Number) : Money
Adds a rate (e.g.
compareTo(other : Money) : Number
Compares two Money values.
divide(divisor : Number) : Money
Divide Money object by specified divisor.
equals(other : Object) : boolean
Compares two money values whether they are equivalent.
getCurrencyCode() : String
Returns the ISO 4217 currency mnemonic (such as 'USD', 'EUR') of the currency the money value relates to.
getDecimalValue() : Decimal
Returns the money as Decimal, null is returned when the money is not available.
getValue() : Number
Returns the value of the money instance.
getValueOrNull() : Number
Return the value of the money instance or null if the Money instance is NOT_AVAILABLE.
hashCode() : Number
Calculates the hash code for a money;
isAvailable() : boolean
Identifies if the instance contains settings for value and currency.
isOfSameCurrency(value : Money) : boolean
Identifies if two Money value have the same currency.
multiply(factor : Number) : Money
Multiply Money object by specified factor.
multiply(quantity : Quantity) : Money
Multiplies the Money object with the given quantity.
newMoney(value : Decimal) : Money
Method returns a new instance of Money with the same currency but different value.
percentLessThan(value : Money) : Number
Convenience method.
percentOf(value : Money) : Number
Convenience method.
static prorate(dist : Money, values : Money...) : Money[]
Prorates the specified values using the specified discount.
subtract(value : Money) : Money
Returns a new Money instance by substracting the specified Money object from the current object.
subtractPercent(percent : Number) : Money
Subtracts a certain percentage from the money object.
subtractRate(value : Number) : Money
Subtracts a rate (e.g.
toFormattedString() : String
Returns a string representation of Money according to the regional settings configured for current request locale, for example '$59.00' or 'USD 59.00'.
toNumberString() : String
Returns a string representation for the numeric value of this money.
toString() : String
Returns a string representation of this Money object.
valueOf() : Object
According to the ECMA spec returns the "natural" primitve value.
Constructor Detail
public Money(value : Number, currencyCode : String)
Constructs a new money instance with the specified amount for the specified currency. Note that each currency has a precision (number of digits after the decimal point) and that values beyond the precision are "rounded up" to their "nearest neighbor" following the rules of java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_UP.
value - The value of the money instance. Must not be null.
currencyCode - The ISO 4217 mnemonic of currency the amount is specified in. Must not be null.

Method Detail
add(value : Money) : Money
Returns a Money instance by adding the specified Money object to the current object. Only objects representing the same currency can be added. If one of the Money values is N/A, the result is N/A.
value - the Money object to add to this Money instance.
the Money object representing the sum of the operands.

addPercent(percent : Number) : Money
Adds a certain percentage to the money object. The percent value is given as true percent value, so for example 10 represent 10%. If this Money is N/A the result is also N/A.
percent - the percent value
new Money object with the result of the calculation

addRate(value : Number) : Money
Adds a rate (e.g. 0.05) to the money object. This is typically for example to add a tax rate.
value - the rate to add.
a new Money object with rate added.

compareTo(other : Money) : Number
Compares two Money values. An exception is thrown if the two Money values are of different currency. If one of the Money values represents the N/A value it is treated as 0.0.
other - the money instance to comare against this money instance.
the comparison of 0 if the money instances are equal or non-0 if they are different.

divide(divisor : Number) : Money
Divide Money object by specified divisor. If this Money is N/A the result is also N/A.
divisor - the divisor.
Money object representing division result

equals(other : Object) : boolean
Compares two money values whether they are equivalent.
other - the object to compare against this money instance.
true if equal, false otherwise.

getCurrencyCode() : String
Returns the ISO 4217 currency mnemonic (such as 'USD', 'EUR') of the currency the money value relates to. Note a money instance may also describe a price that is 'not available'. In this case the value of this attribute is N/A.
the value of the currency code.

getDecimalValue() : Decimal
Returns the money as Decimal, null is returned when the money is not available.
the money as Decimal

getValue() : Number
Returns the value of the money instance.
the value of the money instance.
See Also:

getValueOrNull() : Number
Return the value of the money instance or null if the Money instance is NOT_AVAILABLE.
Value of money instance or null.

hashCode() : Number
Calculates the hash code for a money;

isAvailable() : boolean
Identifies if the instance contains settings for value and currency.
true if the instance is initialized with value and currency, false if the state is 'not available'.

isOfSameCurrency(value : Money) : boolean
Identifies if two Money value have the same currency.
value - the Money value passed to be tested
true if both instances have the same currency, false otherwise.

multiply(factor : Number) : Money
Multiply Money object by specified factor. If this Money is N/A the result is also N/A.
factor - multiplication factor
Money object representing multiplication result.

multiply(quantity : Quantity) : Money
Multiplies the Money object with the given quantity. If this Money is N/A the result is also N/A.
quantity - the quantity to multiply the value by
a new Money representing the multiplication result.

newMoney(value : Decimal) : Money
Method returns a new instance of Money with the same currency but different value. An N/A instance is returned if value is null.
value - as a decimal
new Money instance with same currency

percentLessThan(value : Money) : Number
Convenience method. Calculates and returns the percentage off this price represents in relation to the passed base price. The result is generally equal to 100.0 - this.percentOf(value). For example, if this value is $30 and the passed value is $50, then the return value will be 40.0, representing a 40% discount.

This method will return null if the compare value is null, this value or the compare value is unavailable, or the compare value equals 0.0.

value - The price to compare to this price
The percentage discount this price represents in relation to the passed base price.
See Also:
IllegalArgumentException - If the currencies are not comparable.

percentOf(value : Money) : Number
Convenience method. Calculates and returns the percentage of the passed value this price represents. For example, if this value is $30 and the passed value is $50, then the return value will be 60.0 (i.e. 60%).

This method will return null if the compare value is null, this value or the compare value is unavailable, or the compare value equals 0.0.

value - The price to compare to this price
The percentage of the compare price this price represents, or null.
IllegalArgumentException - If the currencies are not comparable.

static prorate(dist : Money, values : Money...) : Money[]
Prorates the specified values using the specified discount.
dist - the proration discount.
values - the values to prorate.
the prorated values.

subtract(value : Money) : Money
Returns a new Money instance by substracting the specified Money object from the current object. Only objects representing the same currency can be subtracted. If one of the Money values is N/A, the result is N/A.
value - the Money object to subtract
the Money object representing the result of subtraction.

subtractPercent(percent : Number) : Money
Subtracts a certain percentage from the money object. The percent value is given as true percent value, so for example 10 represent 10%. If this Money is N/A the result is also N/A.
percent - the percent value
new Money object with the result of the calculation

subtractRate(value : Number) : Money
Subtracts a rate (e.g. 0.05) from the money object. This is typically for example to subtract a tax rates.
value - the rate to subtract.
a new Money object with rate subtracted.

toFormattedString() : String
Returns a string representation of Money according to the regional settings configured for current request locale, for example '$59.00' or 'USD 59.00'.
The formatted String representation of the passed money. In case of an error the string 'N/A' is returned.

toNumberString() : String
Returns a string representation for the numeric value of this money. The number is formatted with the decimal symbols of the platforms default locale.
a string representation for the numeric value of this money.

toString() : String
Returns a string representation of this Money object.
a string representation of this Money object.

valueOf() : Object
According to the ECMA spec returns the "natural" primitve value. Here the value portion of the Money is returned.