Deprecated Script API
Deprecated Script API
Deprecated Classes
see AgentUserStatusCodes - this class should only be used for the LoginAgentUser / LoginOnBehalfCustomer pipelets
Replaced by BigInt.
Use PromotionMgr instead.
See each method for additional information.
The FTPClient is deprecated. Use SFTPClient for a secure alternative.
The FTPClient is deprecated. Use SFTPClient for a secure alternative.
This class is only used with the deprecated ServiceRegistry. Use the LocalServiceRegistry instead, which allows configuration on the FTPService directly.
This class is only used with the deprecated ServiceRegistry. Use the LocalServiceRegistry instead, which allows configuration on the HTTPFormService directly.
This class is only used with the deprecated ServiceRegistry. Use the LocalServiceRegistry instead, which allows configuration on the HTTPService directly.
Salesforce Payments includes support for Google Pay
Salesforce Payments includes support for Google Pay
This class is only used with the deprecated ServiceRegistry. Use the LocalServiceRegistry instead, which allows configuration on the Service directly.
It is recommended to use the LocalServiceRegistry instead of this class.
This class is only used with the deprecated ServiceRegistry. Use the LocalServiceRegistry instead, which allows configuration on the SOAPService directly.
This class is deprecated, please use webreferences2 instead (see also WSUtil).
This class is deprecated, please use webreferences2 instead (see also Port).
This class is deprecated, please use webreferences2 instead (see also WebReference2).
In migrating from webreferences to webreferences2 the property collectionType=indexed may be helpful. Setting this in the property file for the WSDL will make the generated API more closely resemble the API generated by webreferences.
Deprecated Constants
No longer used by the Bytes class.
Folder to be removed.
The default size is not supported any more. The get() methods returning a String will always try to return MAX_GET_STRING_SIZE bytes instead.
The default size is not supported any more. The get() methods returning a file will always try to return MAX_GET_FILE_SIZE bytes instead.
This algorithm is obsolete and and has been deprecated. Please use HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384 or HmacSHA512.
This algorithm is obsolete and and has been deprecated. Please use HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384 or HmacSHA512.
This algorithm is obsolete and and has been deprecated. Please use SHA-256 or SHA-512.
This algorithm is obsolete and and has been deprecated. Please use SHA-256 or SHA-512.
This algorithm is obsolete and and has been deprecated. Please use SHA-256 or SHA-512.
This algorithm is obsolete and and has been deprecated. Please use SHA-256 or SHA-512.
Support for this algorithm will be removed in a future release. Please use ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_RSA_ECB_OAEPWITHSHA56ANDMGF1PADDING instead.
Support for this algorithm will be removed in a future release. Please use ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_RSA_ECB_OAEPWITHSHA56ANDMGF1PADDING instead.
this reserved constant is deprecated.
Use the integer value instead. The recommendation types and their meanings are now configurable in the Business Manager.
Use the integer value instead. The recommendation types and their meanings are now configurable in the Business Manager.
Use the integer value instead. The recommendation types and their meanings are now configurable in the Business Manager.
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
Don't use this constant anymore.
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
use webreferences2 instead
Deprecated Constructors
dw.crypto.KeyRef.KeyRef(alias : String, password : String)
use KeyRef(String) instead
Deprecated Methods
static dw.campaign.CampaignMgr.applyProductPromotions(lineItemCtnr : LineItemCtnr, promotions : Collection) : boolean
static dw.campaign.CampaignMgr.applyOrderPromotions(lineItemCtnr : LineItemCtnr, promotions : Collection) : boolean
static dw.campaign.CampaignMgr.applyShippingPromotions(lineItemCtnr : LineItemCtnr, promotions : Collection) : boolean
static dw.campaign.CampaignMgr.applyBonusPromotions(lineItemCtnr : LineItemCtnr, promotions : Collection) : boolean
Use PromotionMgr instead.
static dw.campaign.CampaignMgr.getApplicablePromotions(lineItemCtnr : LineItemCtnr) : Collection
There is no replacement for this method.
static dw.campaign.CampaignMgr.getPromotionByCouponCode(couponCode : String) : Promotion
Coupons are now related to multiple promotions. Method returns the first promotion associated with the coupon in case of multiple assigned promotions
static dw.campaign.CampaignMgr.getPromotion(couponCode : String) : Promotion
Coupons are now related to multiple promotions. Method returns the first promotion associated with the coupon code in case of multiple assigned promotions.
dw.catalog.Product.isAvailable() : boolean
Use getAvailabilityModel().isInStock() instead
dw.catalog.Product.getImage() : MediaFile

Commerce Cloud Digital introduces a new more powerful product image management. It allows to group product images by self-defined view types (e.g. 'large', 'thumbnail', 'swatch') and variation values (e.g. for attribute color 'red', 'blue'). Images can be annotated with pattern based title and alt. Product images can be accessed from Digital locations or external storage locations.

Please use the new product image management. Therefore you have to set up the common product image settings like view types, image location, default image alt and title for your catalogs first. After that you can group your product images by the previously defined view types in context of a product. Finally use getImages(String) and getImage(String, Number) to access your images.

dw.catalog.Product.getThumbnail() : MediaFile

Commerce Cloud Digital introduces a new more powerful product image management. It allows to group product images by self-defined view types (e.g. 'large', 'thumbnail', 'swatch') and variation values (e.g. for attribute color 'red', 'blue'). Images can be annotated with pattern based title and alt. Product images can be accessed from Digital locations or external storage locations.

Please use the new product image management. Therefore you have to set up the common product image settings like view types, image location, default image alt and title for your catalogs first. After that you can group your product images by the previously defined view types in context of a product. Finally use getImages(String) and getImage(String, Number) to access your images.

dw.catalog.Product.setAvailableFlag(available : boolean) : void
Don't use this method anymore.
dw.catalog.ProductSearchModel.getProducts() : Iterator
This method should not be used because loading Products for each result of a product search is extremely expensive performance-wise. Please use getProductSearchHits() to iterate ProductSearchHits instead.
dw.catalog.ProductSearchModel.setSortingCondition(attributeID : String, direction : Number) : void
This method is subject to removal. Use setSortingRule(SortingRule) instead.
dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel.isSelectedAttributeValue(attribute : ObjectAttributeDefinition, value : ObjectAttributeValueDefinition) : boolean
Use isSelectedAttributeValue(ProductVariationAttribute, ProductVariationAttributeValue) to identify if the specified product variation attribute value is the one currently selected.
dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel.getAttributeDefinitions() : Collection
This method is deprecated since custom code should work with ProductVariationAttributes and not directly with their corresponding ObjectAttributeDefinitions. Use getProductVariationAttributes() to get the product variation attributes.
dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel.getAllValues(attribute : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : Collection
This method is deprecated since custom code should work with ProductVariationAttributes and not directly with their corresponding ObjectAttributeDefinitions. Use getAllValues(ProductVariationAttribute) to get the collection of ProductVariationAttributeValue instances instead.
dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel.getFilteredValues(attribute : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : Collection
Use getFilteredValues(ProductVariationAttribute) to get the sorted and calculated collection of product variation attribute values.
dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel.getSelectedValue(attribute : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : ObjectAttributeValueDefinition
Use getSelectedValue(ProductVariationAttribute) to get the selected product variation attribute value for the specified attribute.
dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel.getHtmlName(attribute : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : String
Use getHtmlName(ProductVariationAttribute) to get the HTML representation of the product variation attribute id.
dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel.getHtmlName(prefix : String, attribute : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : String
Use getHtmlName(String, ProductVariationAttribute) to get the HTML representation of the product variation attribute id with the custom prefix.
dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel.urlSelectVariationValue(action : String, attribute : ObjectAttributeDefinition, value : ObjectAttributeValueDefinition) : String
Use urlSelectVariationValue(String, ProductVariationAttribute, ProductVariationAttributeValue) to construct an URL to select the specified product variation attribute value of the specified product variation attribute.
dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel.urlUnselectVariationValue(action : String, attribute : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : String
Use urlUnselectVariationValue(String, ProductVariationAttribute) to unselect the product variation attribute value of the specified product variation attribute.
dw.catalog.SearchModel.getRefinementValue(attributeID : String) : String
Use getRefinementValues(String) to get the collection of refinement values.
dw.crypto.MessageDigest.digest(algorithm : String, input : Bytes) : Bytes
Deprecated because the digest algorithm should be the one set in the constructor.
dw.crypto.MessageDigest.digest(input : String) : String
Deprecated because the conversion of the input to bytes using the default platform encoding and the hex-encoded return value are not generally appropriate.
dw.crypto.WeakMessageDigest.digest(algorithm : String, input : Bytes) : Bytes
Deprecated because the digest algorithm should be the one set in the constructor.
dw.crypto.WeakMessageDigest.digest(input : String) : String
Deprecated because the conversion of the input to bytes using the default platform encoding and the hex-encoded return value are not generally appropriate.
dw.customer.Credentials.getAuthenticationProviderID() : String
As of release 17.2, replaced by methods on the new class ExternalProfile which can be obtained from Customer.getExternalProfiles()
Until the method is fully removed from the API it will get the Authentication Provider from the first element of the Customer.getExternalProfiles() collection
dw.customer.Credentials.getExternalID() : String
As of release 17.2, replaced by methods on the new class ExternalProfile which can be obtained from Customer.getExternalProfiles()
Until the method is fully removed from the API it will get the External ID from the first element of the Customer.getExternalProfiles() collection
dw.customer.Credentials.setAuthenticationProviderID(authenticationProviderID : String) : void
As of release 17.2, replaced by methods on the new class ExternalProfile which can be obtained from Customer.getExternalProfiles()
Until the method is fully removed from the API it will set the Authentication Provider on the first element of the Customer.getExternalProfiles() collection if there is only one. It will create the collection and add an element if no elements are present. It will not change anything and will log an error if there are more than one elements in the collection.
dw.customer.Credentials.setExternalID(externalID : String) : void
As of release 17.2, replaced by methods on the new class ExternalProfile which can be obtained from Customer.getExternalProfiles()
Until the method is fully removed from the API it will set the ExternalID on the first element of the Customer.getExternalProfiles() collection if there is only one. It will create the collection and add an element if no elements are present. It will not change anything and will log an error if there are more than one elements in the collection.
static dw.customer.CustomerMgr.loginCustomer(login : String, password : String, rememberMe : boolean) : Customer
use authenticateCustomer(login, password) and loginCustomer(authStatus, rememberMe) instead since they correctly check for expired passwords
static dw.customer.CustomerMgr.queryProfiles(queryAttributes : Map, sortString : String) : SeekableIterator
static dw.experience.PageMgr.getPage(category : Category, pageMustBeVisible : boolean, aspectTypeID : String) : Page : String
Use getFullPath() to access the full path. This method does not return the correct path for files in the CATALOGS or LIBRARIES virtual directories. : Number) : String
use readN(Number) instead which does not throw an exception if the stream is exhausted : String, encoding : String, file : File, maxGetSize : Number) : boolean
The maxGetSize attribute is not supported anymore. Use the method get(String, String, File) instead. : String, file : File, maxGetSize : Number) : boolean
The maxGetSize attribute is not supported anymore. Use the method getBinary(String, File) instead. : String, maxGetSize : Number) : String
The maxGetSize attribute is not supported anymore. Use the method get(String) instead. : String, encoding : String, maxGetSize : Number) : String
The maxGetSize attribute is not supported anymore. Use the method get(String, String) instead. : String, url : String, async : boolean, user : String, password : String) : void
dw.order.Basket.setCustomerNo(customerNo : String) : void
The method has been deprecated. Please use Order.setCustomer(Customer) instead for registered customer. For guest customer the customerNo is usually generated during order creation and the attribute is set at order level.
dw.order.CouponLineItem.getPromotion() : Promotion
A coupon code and its coupon can be associated with multiple promotions. Therefore, this method is not appropriate anymore. For backward-compatibility, the method returns one of the promotions associated with the coupon code.
dw.order.CouponLineItem.getPromotionID() : String
A coupon code and it's coupon can be associated with multiple promotions. Therefore, this method is not appropriate anymore. For backward-compatibility, the method returns the ID of one of the promotions associated with the coupon code.
dw.order.LineItem.setNetPrice(aValue : Money) : void
Use updatePrice(Money) which sets the base price and also the net price if the line item is based on net pricing.
dw.order.LineItem.setGrossPrice(aValue : Money) : void
Use updatePrice(Money) which sets the base price and also the gross price if the line item is based on gross pricing.
dw.order.Order.getPaymentTransaction() : PaymentTransaction
Use LineItemCtnr.getPaymentInstruments() to get the list of PaymentInstrument instances and then use getPaymentTransaction() method on each PaymentInstrument to access the individual transactions.
dw.order.Order.getOrderExportXML(encryptionAlgorithm : String, encryptionKey : String, encryptUsingEKID : boolean) : String
This method will be removed soon. Please use the following methods instead:
static dw.order.OrderMgr.queryOrder(queryString : String, args : Object...) : Order
Please use searchOrder(String, Object...) instead.
static dw.order.OrderMgr.queryOrders(queryString : String, sortString : String, args : Object...) : SeekableIterator
static dw.order.OrderMgr.queryOrders(queryAttributes : Map, sortString : String) : SeekableIterator
Please use searchOrders(Map, String) instead.
static dw.order.OrderMgr.failOrder(order : Order) : Status
Please use failOrder(Order, Boolean) instead.
dw.order.PriceAdjustment.isBasedOnCampaign() : boolean
The method has been deprecated since the name implies that there is a related Campaign, which may not be true. Use !isCustom() instead.
dw.order.Shipment.getMerchandizeTotalPriceAdjustments() : Collection
Shipments cannot have product price adjustments, therefore this method will always return an empty collection
dw.order.Shipment.createShippingPriceAdjustment(promotionID : String) : PriceAdjustment
Deprecated in favor of ShippingLineItem.createShippingPriceAdjustment(String), which explicitly relates the price adjustment to a shipping line item.
dw.order.Shipment.removeShippingPriceAdjustment(priceAdjustment : PriceAdjustment) : void
Deprecated in favor of ShippingLineItem.removeShippingPriceAdjustment(PriceAdjustment) since shipping price adjustments belong to a specific shipping line item.
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.getHTTPRequestHeader(svc : Object, key : String) : String
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.getHTTPResponseHeader(svc : Object, key : String) : String
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setHeader(svc : Object, xml : String) : void
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setHeader(svc : Object, xml : String, mustUnderstand : boolean) : void
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setHeader(svc : Object, namespace : String, name : String, xml : String) : void
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setHeader(svc : Object, namespace : String, name : String, xml : String, mustUnderstand : boolean) : void
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setHeader(svc : Object, namespace : String, name : String, xml : String, mustUnderstand : boolean, actor : String) : void
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setHeader(svc : Object, namespace : String, name : String, xml : Object) : void
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setHeader(svc : Object, namespace : String, name : String, xml : Object, mustUnderstand : boolean) : void
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setHeader(svc : Object, namespace : String, name : String, xml : Object, mustUnderstand : boolean, actor : String) : void
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setWSSecurityConfig(svc : Object, requestConfigMap : Object, responseConfigMap : Object) : void
use webreferences2 instead
static dw.rpc.SOAPUtil.setHTTPRequestHeader(svc : Object, key : String, value : String) : void
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.Stub.getTimeout() : Number
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.Stub._getProperty(name : String) : Object
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.Stub.getUsername() : String
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.Stub.getPassword() : String
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.Stub._setProperty(name : String, value : Object) : void
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.Stub.setTimeout(timeout : Number) : void
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.Stub.setUsername(username : String) : void
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.Stub.setPassword(password : String) : void
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.Stub.setHeader(namespace : String, name : String, value : Object) : void
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.WebReference.getDefaultService() : Stub
use webreferences2 instead
dw.rpc.WebReference.getService(service : String, port : String) : Stub
use webreferences2 instead
dw.suggest.Suggestions.hasSuggestedPhrases() : boolean
Please use method getSearchPhraseSuggestions() to obtain the suggested search phrases.
dw.suggest.Suggestions.hasSuggestedTerms() : boolean
Please use method getSearchPhraseSuggestions() to obtain the suggested search phrases.
dw.suggest.Suggestions.getSuggestedPhrases() : Iterator
Please use method getSearchPhraseSuggestions() to obtain the suggested search phrases.
dw.suggest.Suggestions.getSuggestedTerms() : Iterator
Please use method getSearchPhraseSuggestions() to obtain the suggested search phrases.
dw.svc.ServiceCredential.getEncryptedPassword(algorithm : String, publicKey : CertificateRef) : String
Use Cipher to encrypt data as needed.
dw.system.Request.isHttpRequest() : boolean
Effectively always returns true.
dw.system.Site.isOMSEnabled() : boolean
This item is deprecated.
static dw.util.DateUtils.nowInUTC() : Date
Create a new Calendar object and set the time zone "UTC" instead.
static dw.util.StringUtils.formatDate(date : Date, format : String, locale : String) : String
static dw.util.StringUtils.stringToWml(str : String) : String
Don't use this method anymore
static dw.web.URLUtils.abs(appendSID : boolean, action : URLAction, params : URLParameter...) : URL
static dw.web.URLUtils.abs(appendSID : boolean, action : String, namesAndParams : String...) : URL
Use abs(String, String...) instead.
static dw.web.URLUtils.http(appendSID : boolean, action : URLAction, params : URLParameter...) : URL
static dw.web.URLUtils.http(appendSID : boolean, action : String, namesAndParams : String...) : URL
static dw.web.URLUtils.https(appendSID : boolean, action : URLAction, params : URLParameter...) : URL
Use the https(URLAction, URLParameter...) method instead.
static dw.web.URLUtils.https(appendSID : boolean, action : String, namesAndParams : String...) : URL
Use the https(String, String...) method instead.
static dw.web.URLUtils.url(appendSID : boolean, action : URLAction, params : URLParameter...) : URL
static dw.web.URLUtils.url(appendSID : boolean, action : String, namesAndParams : String...) : URL
Use url(String, String...) instead.
static : String) : Object
The eval() function is deprecated, because it's potential security risk for server side code injection.
TopLevel.String.replace(literal : String, replacement : String, flags : String) : String
TopLevel.String.replace(literal : String, function : Function, flags : String) : String