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Class ShopperSeo<ConfigParameters>


Simple example:

  import { ShopperSeo } from "commerce-sdk-isomorphic";

  const clientConfig = {
    parameters: {
      clientId: "XXXXXX",
      organizationId: "XXXX",
      shortCode: "XXX",
      siteId: "XX"
  const shopperSeoClient = new ShopperSeo(clientConfig);
API Version: 1.0.9
Last Updated:

Type parameters


  • ShopperSeo






clientConfig: ClientConfig<ConfigParameters> & { baseUri: string }

Static Readonly defaultBaseUri

defaultBaseUri: "https://{shortCode}.api.commercecloud.salesforce.com/site/shopper-seo/{version}" = "https://{shortCode}.api.commercecloud.salesforce.com/site/shopper-seo/{version}"

Static Readonly paramKeys

paramKeys: { getUrlMapping: ["organizationId", "urlSegment", "siteId", "locale"]; getUrlMappingRequired: ["organizationId", "urlSegment", "siteId"] } = {getUrlMapping: ['organizationId','urlSegment','siteId','locale',],getUrlMappingRequired: ['organizationId','urlSegment','siteId',],} as const

Type declaration

  • getUrlMapping: ["organizationId", "urlSegment", "siteId", "locale"]
  • getUrlMappingRequired: ["organizationId", "urlSegment", "siteId"]



  • Gets URL mapping information for a URL that a shopper clicked or typed in. The mapping information is based on URL rules and redirects set up in Business Manager. For more information about prerequisites and sample usage, see URL Resolution. You can customize the behavior of this endpoint by using hooks. See the hooks for getUrlMapping in the Hook List.

    If you would like to get a raw Response object use the other getUrlMapping function.


    • Optional options: RequireParametersUnlessAllAreOptional<{ headers?: undefined | {}; parameters?: CompositeParameters<{ locale?: undefined | string; organizationId: string; siteId: string; urlSegment: string } & {}, ConfigParameters> }>

      An object containing the options for this method.

    Returns Promise<UrlMapping>

    A promise of type UrlMapping.

  • Gets URL mapping information for a URL that a shopper clicked or typed in. The mapping information is based on URL rules and redirects set up in Business Manager. For more information about prerequisites and sample usage, see URL Resolution. You can customize the behavior of this endpoint by using hooks. See the hooks for getUrlMapping in the Hook List.

    Type parameters

    • T: boolean


    • Optional options: RequireParametersUnlessAllAreOptional<{ headers?: undefined | {}; parameters?: CompositeParameters<{ locale?: undefined | string; organizationId: string; siteId: string; urlSegment: string } & {}, ConfigParameters> }>

      An object containing the options for this method.

    • Optional rawResponse: T

      Set to true to return entire Response object instead of DTO.

    Returns Promise<T extends true ? Response : UrlMapping>

    A promise of type Response if rawResponse is true, a promise of type UrlMapping otherwise.

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