(static) Base/CheckoutShippingServices-SelectShippingMethod()
CheckoutShippingServices-SelectShippingMethod : The CheckoutShippingServices-SelectShippingMethod endpoint saves the selected shipping method to the basket
Type | Description |
middleware | server.middleware.https |
querystringparameter | shipmentUUID - the universally unique identifier of the shipment |
querystringparameter | methodID - the selected shipping method id |
httpparameter | firstName - shipping address input field, shopper's shipping first name |
httpparameter | lastName - shipping address input field, shopper's last name |
httpparameter | address1 - shipping address input field, address line 1 |
httpparameter | address2 - shipping address input field address line 2 |
httpparameter | city - shipping address input field, city |
httpparameter | postalCode - shipping address input field, postal code (or zipcode) |
httpparameter | stateCode - shipping address input field, state code (Not all locales have state code) |
httpparameter | countryCode - shipping address input field, country |
httpparameter | phone - shipping address input field, shopper's phone number |
httpparameter | shipmentUUID - the universally unique identifier of the shipment |
httpparameter | methodID - The selected shipping method id |
httpparameter | isGift - Checkbox that is for determining whether or not this is a gift |
httpparameter | giftMessage - text area for gift message |
category | sensitive |
returns | json |
serverfunction | post |
(static) Base/CheckoutShippingServices-SubmitShipping()
CheckoutShippingServices-SubmitShipping : The CheckoutShippingServices-SubmitShipping endpoint submits the shopper's shipping addresse(s) and shipping method(s) and saves them to the basket
Type | Description |
middleware | server.middleware.https |
middleware | csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest |
httpparameter | shipmentUUID - The universally unique identifier of the shipment |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_shippingMethodID - The selected shipping method id |
httpparameter | shipmentSelector - For Guest shopper: A shipment UUID that contains address that matches the selected address, For returning shopper: ab_ |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_addressFields_firstName - shipping address input field, shopper's shipping first name |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_addressFields_lastName - shipping address input field, shopper's last name |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_addressFields_address1 - shipping address input field, address line 1 |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_addressFields_address2 - shipping address nput field address line 2 |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_addressFields_country - shipping address input field, country |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_addressFields_states_stateCode - shipping address input field, state code (Not all locales have state code) |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_addressFields_city - shipping address input field, city |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_addressFields_postalCode - shipping address input field, postal code (or zipcode) |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_addressFields_phone - shipping address input field, shopper's phone number |
httpparameter | dwfrm_shipping_shippingAddress_giftMessage - text area for gift message |
httpparameter | csrf_token - Hidden input field CSRF token |
category | sensitive |
returns | json |
serverfunction | post |
(static) Base/CheckoutShippingServices-ToggleMultiShip()
CheckoutShippingServices-ToggleMultiShip : The CheckoutShippingServices-ToggleMultiShip endpoint handles splitting the basket in to multiple shipments or condenses everything down into one shipment depending on the usingMultiShip flag
Type | Description |
middleware | server.middleware.https |
httpparameter | usingMultiShip - A boolean that determins wheter or not the shopper wants to use multishipping in the chekcout process |
category | sensitive |
returns | json |
serverfunction | post |
(static) Base/CheckoutShippingServices-UpdateShippingMethodsList()
CheckoutShippingServices-UpdateShippingMethodsList : The CheckoutShippingServices-UpdateShippingMethodsList endpoint gets hit once a shopper has entered certain address infromation and gets the applicable shipping methods based on the shopper's supplied shipping address infromation
Type | Description |
middleware | server.middleware.https |
querystringparameter | shipmentUUID - the universally unique identifier of the shipment |
httpparameter | firstName - shipping address input field, shopper's shipping first name |
httpparameter | lastName - shipping address input field, shopper's last name |
httpparameter | address1 - shipping address input field, address line 1 |
httpparameter | address2 - shipping address nput field address line 2 |
httpparameter | city - shipping address input field, city |
httpparameter | postalCode - shipping address input field, postal code (or zipcode) |
httpparameter | stateCode - shipping address input field, state code (Not all locales have state code) |
httpparameter | countryCode - shipping address input field, country |
httpparameter | phone - shipping address input field, shopper's phone number |
httpparameter | shipmentUUID - The universally unique identifier of the shipment |
category | sensitive |
returns | json |
serverfunction | post |