Class RemoteInclude

The class represents a remote include value that can be assigned to JSON Object properties.
Important notes:
method createScapiRemoteInclude()
allows only SCAPI URLs.
method createStorefrontControllerRemoteInclude()
allows only Controller URLs.
dw.system.RESTSuccessResponse.render()method. Please check the provided examples.
Example 1. Specify remote include properties.
function specifyRemoteIncludeProperties() { var includeValue0 = dw.system.RESTResponseMgr.createScapiRemoteInclude("custom", "sample", "v1", "resource/path/0", dw.web.URLParameter("siteId", "TestWapi")); var includeValue1 = dw.system.RESTResponseMgr.createScapiRemoteInclude("custom", "sample", "v1", "resource/path/1", dw.web.URLParameter("siteId", "TestWapi")); var greeting = { "hello": "world", "includeProperty0": includeValue0, "includeProperty1": includeValue1 }; dw.system.RESTResponseMgr.createSuccess(greeting).render(); }
Example 2. Specify array of remote include properties.
function specifyArrayOfRemoteIncludes() { var includeValue0 = dw.system.RESTResponseMgr.createScapiRemoteInclude("custom", "sample", "v1", "resource/path/0", dw.web.URLParameter("siteId", "TestWapi")); var includeValue1 = dw.system.RESTResponseMgr.createScapiRemoteInclude("custom", "sample", "v1", "resource/path/1", dw.web.URLParameter("siteId", "TestWapi")); var greeting = { "hello": "world", "includeArray": [includeValue0, includeValue1] }; dw.system.RESTResponseMgr.createSuccess(greeting).render(); }
Example 3. Storefront controller remote include.
function storefrontRemoteInclude() { let remoteInclude = dw.system.RESTResponseMgr.createStorefrontControllerRemoteInclude(new URLAction("Category-Show", "Sites-MyShop-Site", dw.web.URLParameter("cid", "root"))); let json = { status: "JSONOK", include: remoteInclude }; dw.system.RESTResponseMgr.createSuccess(json).render(); }
Error handling:
- In case of 404 response received on included resource, an empty JSON object '{}' will be supplied in final JSON.
- In case of 201..299, 3xx, 4xx (excluding 404), 5xx response from included resource, final response status will be 500 'Internal Server Error'
- In case of any non 200 response from the included resource an empty string will be included.
- Note: In case your response format is JSON be aware that this can result in invalid JSON.
(Read Only)
The URL string value specified for the current instance.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values