Pipelet CreateBasketPaymentInstrument
Pipelet CreateBasketPaymentInstrument
Deprecated. Do not use this pipelet. Use the AddPaymentInstrumentToBasket pipelet instead.
Creates and returns a new OrderPaymentInstrument of the specified PaymentMethod, and assigns it to the specified Basket. If the Basket has any existing payment instruments, these are removed.
Deprecated. Do not use this pipelet. Use the AddPaymentInstrumentToBasket pipelet instead.
Basket (deprecated)
Transaction Required
Input Parameters
Basket  :  Basket (Required)
PaymentMethod  :  String (Required)
The type of payment information. See dw.order.PaymentInformation for constants.
Output Parameters
PaymentInstrument  :  LineItemCtnrPaymentInstrument  :  (Required)
A newly created OrderPaymentInstrument associated with the passed in basket.