Class WebReference2
Class WebReference2
Represents a web service defined in a WSDL file. The implementation is backed by a JAX-WS framework.

This implementation does not support RPC/encoded WSDLs. Such a WSDL must be migrated to a supported encoding such as Document/literal to work with this API.

To create an instance of a WebReference2, you put a web service WSDL file in the webreferences2 directory and reference the WSDL file in a B2C Commerce Script. You then request the service Port using one the the get service methods. For example, if your WSDL file is MyWSDL.wsdl, here is how you create an instance of WebReference2 and access the Port:

 var webref : WebReference2 = webreferences2.MyWSDL;
 var port : Port = webref.getDefaultService();
Note that all script classes representing your WSDL file are placed in the webreferences2 package. To use classes in the webreferences2 package, you do not need to use the importPackage statement in your B2C Commerce Script file.

The generated API may be customized via a property file named <WSDLFile>.properties. For example, if your WSDL file is MyWSDL.wsdl, the property file name is Supported properties include:

Supported properties with description
Name Type Description
namespace boolean If the WSDL contains different types with the same name a compilation error may occur. Set this to true to generate a namespace-aware Port, which will have classes separated into packages based on their associated namespace. The default value is false
underscoreBinding string If you have elements in a WSDL schema that contain the underscore character, code generation may fail. Set this property to asCharInWord to resolve the problem. The default value is asWordSeparator.
collectionType string The generated API will use array types instead of List types for collections when this value is set to indexed. This results in code that is more compatible with older webreferences-based implementations. The default behavior is to generate Lists.
enableWrapperStyle boolean The generated API will use "bare" methods when this is false. When this is true, "wrapped" methods may be generated instead. The default value is true, but a false value is more compatible with older webreferences-based implementations.
The messages sent to and from the remote server are logged at DEBUG level on sandboxes, and not logged at all on production. The custom log category used is derived from the WSDL name and message type. For example, the custom log categories for the file MyWSDL.wsdl are webreferences2.MyWSDL.request and webreferences2.MyWSDL.response. This logging is controlled by the following in the WSDL properties:
Supported logging properties with description
Name Type Description
logging.enabled boolean true to explicitly allow logging, false to disallow. Default is true on Sandboxes and false on all other instance types
logging.pretty boolean true to pretty-print the SOAP XML. Default is false to log the actual message body.
logging.verbose boolean true to log HTTP headers and other message information. Default is false to only log the message body
logging.filter.elements comma-separated string List of element tag names containing sensitive information. These will be filtered out of the message. All properties with this prefix will be used. For example logging.filter.elements=Password,Token is equivalent to two different properties logging.filter.elements.01=Token and logging.filter.elements.02=Token
logging.filter.headers comma-separated string List of message header names containing sensitive information. These will be filtered out of the message. All properties with this prefix will be used. For example logging.filter.headers=Authorization,Token is equivalent to two different properties logging.filter.headers.01=Authorization and logging.filter.headers.02=Token
See Also:
defaultService  :  Port  (Read Only)
The default service endpoint interface port of the web reference. The default service is determined as the first service based on the alphabetic order of the service name, and within the service the first SOAP port based on the alphabetic order of the port name.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
getDefaultService() : Port
Returns the default service endpoint interface port of the web reference.
getService(service : String, portName : String) : Port
Returns a specific service from this web reference.
Constructor Detail
public WebReference2()

Method Detail
getDefaultService() : Port
Returns the default service endpoint interface port of the web reference. The default service is determined as the first service based on the alphabetic order of the service name, and within the service the first SOAP port based on the alphabetic order of the port name.
the default service of the web reference.

getService(service : String, portName : String) : Port
Returns a specific service from this web reference.
service - the service to locate.
portName - the name of the port to use.
a specific service from this web reference.